All the monsters in me - Chapter 6 - LiebeNemesis (2024)

Chapter Text

For the first time in months, a pleasant breeze touched Gena's face, a breeze that didn't remotely resemble hell and was so cold that it woke her up a bit more.

Two loud thuds echoed in her ears as their bodies hit the stone floor of Enver's chambers in Wyrm’s Rock Fortress. Moments later, she heard a hiss as the portal allowed another creature inside. Gena barely managed to push herself up on trembling arms and glance back. It felt like everything was happening in slow motion.

First came the front legs through the portal, then the tusks, and finally the entire skeletal head with glowing eyes. It's over, Gena thought. After coming so far, Raphael's pet would trample them here. Despite not having a drop of energy left in her veins, she raised her hands one last time in a futile attempt, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement.

Enver was faster.

With a single powerful kick, he managed to knock the Coin of Mammon lying closest to his foot out of the circle on the ground. In that instant, the portal snapped shut as if by the snap of fingers. The room echoed with a torturous squeal as the pig was cut in half mid-air.

A spray of warm boar blood splashed over both of them, and then Gena could only watch as half of the boar thudded heavily onto the floor.

And then, there was only silence.

Gena slowly let her trembling arms fall to her sides. The sweat pouring from her mixed with the blood and dripped onto the cold floor. She shivered. Only now did she realise she was cold.

Enver beside her burst into laughter. “You did it. My God, you actually did it!”

She did it. They were safe.


Enver's voice suddenly seemed to echo from a vast distance to her. The adrenaline faded away, and in its place, exhaustion flooded every cell in her body.


Gena's head spun. She fainted.

The scented leather collar tightened around her neck.

Enver's hot fingers roamed her body, contrasting with the coolness of the wooden throne that chilled her to the knees. As his golden claws dug into her back, Gena whimpered and eagerly pulled his head to her breasts. And while Enver nibbled on her nipple between his teeth, Gena quickened the movements of her hips, and every time she tightened her inner walls around Enver's co*ck, she heard him growl with desire.


The arousal in the pit of her stomach grew more and more urgent.

“Everything’s gonna be alright…”

Meanwhile, Enver's tongue traced a wet path to the skin on her neck that wasn't hidden under the collar. Gena nearly cried as his hot lips pressed against the sensitive spot above her collarbone and his teeth began to create a bruise that would show the world she belonged to him.


But when she looked into those deep onyx eyes, and relief was almost within reach, the scene changed.

Her vision was obscured by milky white fingers, and through her head shot a pain so unbearable that Gena thought she was dying. She screamed, and in the next moment, felt something soft against her back as spots danced before her eyes - white, red, gold, and black…

Two piercing onyx eyes…

White, red, gold, black…


Again and again…


Those eyes were still there.

Her face was cupped by two hands.

And only then did Gena realise that she was still screaming.

“It's okay, I'm here,” Enver reassured her, sitting on the bed beside her, wiping the sweat from her face, his gaze filled with concerns that turned into hurt when Gena flinched away from him.

“It's okay, Evie,” he repeated, reaching out for her again, this time taking her hand. “It's me.”

This time, Genevieve didn't flinch away from him. She nervously scanned the room for a moment, which felt both entirely unfamiliar and strangely familiar to her. Gradually, she became aware of everything that had happened. Her heart was pounding as if it might leap out of her chest at any moment, her breathing was rapid, and her throat was sore from all the screaming. She must have screamed for a long time.

“It was just a bad dream,” Enver still reassured her, gently stroking her hand, softly yet firmly, to prevent her from possibly pulling away.

“Where…” she croaked, attempting to sit up, but every inch of her body ached as if thousands of needles were embedded within her. Thanks to the pain, her senses began to sharpen, and she noticed the birdsong wafting through the open window, the fresh air devoid of any trace of sulphur, and the light streaming in from the midday sun, which she thought she would never see again in her life.

And last but not least, she realised she was naked.

Instinctively, she pulled the blanket up to her chin, and noticed that a faint blush tinged the cheeks of the young archduke. “Sorry, I... you were covered in blood, so I…”

“I understand," Gena whispered, clearing her throat a bit. "Where are we now?”

“In my private chambers.”

“At Wyrm’s Rock Fortress?”

Enver nodded. His hands, holding hers, were starting to sweat.

Gena pondered for a moment. “How long have I been asleep?”

“Two days.”

“Two days?" She widened her eyes, her jaw dropping. "And Raphael hasn't shown up during that time?”

“Not even once,” Enver replied, and seeing Genevieve's expression, he added, “Perhaps he hasn't realised yet that you're gone. But it doesn't matter. You're with me, he has no right over you.”

Genevieve chuckled wryly. “I guess you're forgetting that I failed to find the contract.”

Enver took her chin in his hand, compelling her to look at him, his eyes - those nightmare eyes - filled with determination. “I won't let him take you away from me. Never again will I let anyone take you away from me.”

Gena didn't have the strength to protest. Finally managing to sit up with the blanket still under her chin, her wings felt stiff, and when she folded and unfolded them a few times, an unpleasant tingling sensation started in them. Enver might be right - if Raphael hasn't shown up yet, he probably doesn't know about her escape. She wouldn't be surprised. None of his subordinates would want to be the one to deliver that unpleasant news. Hopefully, Korilla will be okay... But until then, Gena had to make the most of this opportunity.

“I need to go to our camp.”

Gortash stared at her for a moment as if he didn't even know her, before finally responding. “You're joking, right?”

“I need to talk to my friends.” And hug them at least for a moment… Even if they're not all there...

“If you go there and Raphael shows up, we won't have a way to defend ourselves. You're safe here. Not to mention you don't even have the strength to stand up.”

“Enver,” Gena looked at the archduke with a determined expression that brooked no objections. “I'm going to go. Whether you like it or not. And I'm going now.” She attempted to rise, but Enver's hand pressed her back into the mattress, earning him an annoyed flick of her tail.

“All right, all right,” he quickly relented, hands defensively raised. "And how about if you stay here to rest, and I'll have them sent for? How does that sound?”

Although Gena would never admit it, she still didn't want to leave the warmth of the soft bed, so she just nodded resignedly and burrowed deeper under the covers.

Then she flinched as her stomach growled.

Enver smiled. “But first, I'll have something brought to you from the kitchen.”

“She escaped?”

“My lord, I...” Korrilla recoiled before the fury of her master, who loomed over her in his devilish form, teeth bared, his red rat tail thrashing wildly from side to side.

There was the sound of tearing fabric as Raphael dug his long claws into Korrilla's attire and pulled her closer to him. The dwarf could hardly breathe with fear. For years, she had observed the unfortunate souls who fell into the devil's displeasure, silently thanking all the gods that she was not in their place. Until today.

“You had one task. To watch over her. And you failed.”

“I didn't know... that she...”

As calmly as the devil spoke, the greater rage was evident in his eyes. For a fraction of a second, a peculiar expression twisted his face. Was it... horror? Before Korrilla could ponder over it, the grip of the claws loosened, and instead, a red palm clasped her by the throat and lifted her into the air.

The dwarfess couldn't even cry out. She desperately kicked her legs and clawed at the red skin. In vain.

“Did she find her contract?” Raphael whispered ominously.

But the dwarf continued to gasp for air and kick her legs.

“Answer me!” he roared and shook her as if Korrilla weighed no more than a rag doll.



The devil's stance relaxed slightly. He rubbed the bridge of his nose for a moment before turning his attention back to the choking dwarf.

“You've disappointed me, Korrilla. You've disappointed me greatly.”

“My lord... I…”

Raphael's grip tightened. Thin veins popped in Korrilla's eyes, and any further attempts to speak were irreversibly lost.

“But... I must admit, after all these years, you have served me faithfully. You deserve a painless death.”

There was a crunching sound as Korrilla ceased kicking and the hands she had been using moments ago to try and free herself from the devil's grip now hung limply by her side. Her eyes, bloodshot and bulging, stared lifelessly.

The devil tossed her body aside, wiping his hand as if he had touched something repulsive.

“So, you say she didn't take the contract... We better have a look at it,” he muttered to himself, then briskly strode out of the boudoir.

Unnoticed by him, two ruby eyes watched him intently from the darkest corner of the room.

Chilly night air streamed through the open window into the room, where Genevieve paced impatiently. The song of birds had given way to the chirping of cicadas, and alongside the twinkling stars, a full moon had risen in the dark sky.

“Come on... Why is it taking so long?”

On the large dining table stood a goblet of dry red wine and a plate of cold duck with oranges. Although she had devoured lunch in no time, Gena couldn't even think about dinner. Her stomach was tight with nerves, and the only thing her mind could focus on was the image of her friends walking through the door. Would they even be happy to see her? Would they be horrified? Disgusted? What if…

The door handle clicked, and Gena looked up expectantly. But instead of her companions, Enver walked in. Alone.

As he closed the door behind him, Gena frowned.


“Where are they? Why did it take so long?”


“Where are they?!”

Enver looked at her sadly. “They’re gone.”

Genevieve’s clenched fists relaxed, and her eyebrows rose. “What do you mean, gone?”

“The messengers returned empty-handed this afternoon. I then ordered them to search all of Wyrm’s Rock and later the entire city.” Enver leaned against the closed door, arms crossed, gaze fixed on the floor. “They just returned. They left no stone unturned, but... nothing.”

“Nothing...” Gena repeated, her lower lip trembling. “That... that can't be true.” If Astarion had chosen his wish and taken off, she would have understood. The thought broke her heart, but she would have understood. But for all of them to decide to break Raphael's contract and flee, that just couldn't be...

She blinked rapidly to chase away the tears welling up in her eyes, gave her wings a few tentative flaps, and headed toward the nearest window.

“What are you doing?”

Gena pretended not to hear, but she had barely lifted off the ground a few centimetres when a strong male hand grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back down. Enver seized her by the shoulders and shook her lightly. “What the hell do you think you're doing?!”

“I'm going to see for myself!” It was the first time they had shouted at each other like this. Gena could see the anger blazing in Enver, his jaw clenched, and his fingers digging painfully into her skin, but she decided to ignore it.

“I have to see for myself that they're not there!”

“It's not safe! I'm telling you-”

“But I don't believe you!”

Enver let go of her and stepped back a few paces as if she had slapped him. For a moment, Gena regretted her words, but the way he was now looking at her awakened fear within her. It was as if Raphael himself was staring at her. As if he might want to chain her to his bed at any moment, so she couldn't escape. Instead, Enver rubbed the bridge of his nose and took several slow breaths in and out.

“You don't trust me? Fine. You can see for yourself. But…” he added, seeing Gena stretching her wings again, “we'll take a carriage. That way, we can travel together and you won't tire yourself out. Plus, it's better if no one sees you like this, considering…” He gestured towards her membranous wings.

She sized him up for a moment, but eventually nodded.

They attempted to drape a cloak over Gena's wings, but even with it, she stood out like a sore thumb. Enver had to bribe several guards to ensure discretion before they finally set out on their journey, also sending a few Steel Watchers ahead for added security—discreetly, of course.

The sound of horse hooves rang out, and the carriage gently bounced along. They sat facing each other—Gena occupying a whole seat with her wings spread out—but neither of them spoke a word for the entire journey.

When the carriage finally stopped in front of the rusted gate of the scorched mansion where Gen's camp was located, she bolted out like a bullet, ignoring Enver's calls to wait for him.

She was so close, just to open the gate, a few more steps, and...

She felt like her heart was pierced by a spike. The tents seemed to sink into the ground, the campfire looked like it hadn't been used in ages, and when she explored the barn, all sleeping bags and supplies were gone, not a trace that anyone had ever lived there.

Genevieve reached the spot where Astarion's tent had originally stood, fell to her knees, and burst into tears.

Her tears sparkled in the moonlight as Enver finally caught up to her. He knelt beside her and pulled her into a tight embrace. Not only did she let him, but she also returned the embrace, wrapping her tail desperately around his waist to pull him as close as possible.

As she sobbed into his shoulder, he stroked her hair and whispered, “I'm so sorry, Evie.”

He glanced around the deserted place for a moment.

“I really, truly am.”

All the monsters in me - Chapter 6 - LiebeNemesis (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.