Flavored Butter Recipes (2025)

Flavored butters aka compound butters are amazing. These Flavored Butter Recipes are easy to make, and there are so many delicious combinations. You’ll love these sweet and savory varieties we’ve collected. These flavored butters will make any meal that much better! From breakfast, lunch, to dinner, you’ll want to try all these flavored butters!

Flavored Butter Recipes (1)

easy flavored buttered recipes

Making your own flavored butter recipes, or compound butter is so simple. All it takes are a few ingredients. For myself, I can’t decide if I like the sweet flavored butter recipes, or the savory flavored butter recipes better.

Each has its own perfectly delicious job in the kitchen. Making compound butter is a great way to dress up an otherwise simple meal. It’s great for holidays and parties, or just because.

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Related: Learn how to make churn butter with kids.

Flavored Butter Recipes (2)

Sweet Flavored Butter Recipes

1. Whipped Strawberry Butter Recipe

This Whipped Strawberry Butter from Damn Delicious would be delicious on waffles or pancakes!

2. Cranberry Butter Recipe

My Cranberry Butter by Juggling Act Mama is a great Fall recipe and perfect for Thanksgiving.

3. Orange Butter Recipe

I’d love to try some of this Orange Butter from I Heart Naptime on a toasted English Muffin. This butter is sweetened with confectioner’s sugar.

4. Blueberry Butter Recipe

Flavored Butter Recipes (3)

This Blueberry Butter from Pint Sized Baker goes perfectly with her Lemon Ricotta pancakes!

5. Cinnamon Honey Butter Recipe

Cinnamon Honey Butter from Swanky Recipes would be good on dinner rolls and biscuits, too.

6. Maple Bacon Butter Recipe

Our Maple Bacon Butter is perfect for breakfast and brunch – try it on pancakes, waffles, or even bagels.

7. Brown Sugar and Cinnamon Butter Recipe

Brown Sugar and Cinnamon from Carolyn’s Homework would be a lovely addition to a housewarming gift basket, don’t you think?

8. Cranberry Orange Butter Recipe

Flavored Butter Recipes (4)

Cranberry Orange Butter from Cupcakes and Kale Chips would be a delicious addition to a Christmas feast for breakfast or dinner. She serves hers with Sage Corn Muffins.

9. Blackberry Honey Butter Recipe

This Blackberry Honey Butter from Our Family of Seven just screams summer to me. Just imagine it on freshly baked bread – so good!

10. Strawberry Butter Recipe

Strawberry Butter from The Kitchen is My Playground would be perfect with so many different baked goods. She serves it with Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins.

Flavored Butter Recipes (5)

Savory Flavored Butter Recipes

11. Cowboy Butter Recipe

My Cowboy Butter from Juggling Act Mama is one of my most popular recipes. It’s a play on a recipe from The Pioneer Woman, and it is so amazing on top of grilled steak!

12. Rosemary Compound Butter Recipe

This Rosemary Compound Butter from A Family Feast is a delicious holiday condiment. It’s perfect for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner rolls.

13. Garlic Herb Compound Butter Recipe

Garlic and Herb Compound Butter from CJ Eats Recipe is awesome on everything from bread to red meat!

14. Italian Compound Butter Recipe

Flavored Butter Recipes (6)

Italian Compound Butter from My Sequined Life combined classic Italian flavors like basil, sun-dried tomato, and garlic – yum!

15. Tomato Basil Compound Butter Recipe

My Tomato Basil Compound Butterfrom Juggling Act Mama for Busy Mom’s Helper is so amazing on garlic bread and pasta.

16. Chive Butter Recipe

Chive Butter from Farmer’s Wife Rambles is perfect for all kinds of potatoes dishes, but my favorite would be on a baked potato.

17. Blue Cheese Butter Recipe

This Blue Cheese Butter (unavailable) from Family Food and Travel is a combination of blue cheese, butter, and garlic – what could be better?

18. Garlic & Basil Compound Butter Recipe

Flavored Butter Recipes (7)

Our makes the most incredible garlic bread you have ever tasted.

19. Gorgonzola Butter Recipe

Gorgonzola Butter from Cooking with Curls with roasted garlic is perfect atop a nice thick steak!

20. Simple Dill Compound Butter Recipe

My Simple Dill Compound Butter from Juggling Act Mama for Miss Information is an awesome compliment to seafood dishes. I love it on baked haddock especially.

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So which flavored butter recipe do you plan on making first? Let us know how it goes!

Flavored Butter Recipes (2025)


How long does homemade flavored butter last? ›

How to store flavored butter. You can choose to either use the butter as soon as you've made it or you can roll it in paper or plastic wrap and store it up to two weeks in the fridge.

How to make butter flavor extract? ›

  1. Step 1: The basic recipe is simple: combine warm water and freshly grated butter. ...
  2. Step 2: Add one tablespoon of lemon flavoring and stir. ...
  3. Step 3: Keep mixing, and eventually it will turn into a solid ball of butter. ...
  4. Step 4: After a few minutes, the butter ball will melt into butter extract!
Apr 2, 2021

What are flavored butters called? ›

Compound butter, or finishing butter, is a type of butter that is mixed with herbs, spice blends, and other ingredients that give it a savory or sweet flavor. The term compound butter encompasses countless recipes and flavor profiles.

How to make butter taste better? ›

After making the butter, put it in a large bowl and add honey. Once the butter has solidified and been rinsed in ice water, place it in a large bowl to mix in added flavors with a spoon. I used 1 ½ tablespoons of honey, but feel free to use more or less depending on your personal tastes.

Does flavored butter go bad? ›

For example, swapping dried herbs for fresh ones can cause compound butter to spoil at a faster rate. In this case, compound butter may only last up to five days before decreasing in quality. When it comes to compound butter containing garlic, it will typically keep for up to two weeks in the fridge.

Why does homemade butter not last as long? ›

Because it's fresh, your butter won't keep as long as commercial butter, so make it in small batches and keep it in the fridge for a few weeks or freeze it for up to 9 months. Also, as a by product of making your own butter, you will have real buttermilk, which you can save for using in baked goods.

What is the difference between butter extract and butter flavoring? ›

Butter extract is created by separating proteins and flavors from whole butter, while butter flavoring isolates specific compounds like diacetyl. Butter extract comes from milk ingredients and is not vegan, while butter flavoring can be vegan depending on the manufacturing process.

What are the ingredients in butter flavor? ›

Butter flavor is often created by isolating compounds like diacetyl, acetyl propionyl, or acetoin. These compounds can be sourced from butter, soybeans, or other oils. Mixing any of these compounds with water and other ingredients creates a rich buttery flavor that many consumers have come to know and love.

Why use butter extract instead of butter? ›

The Butter EXTRACT enhances or adds some butter flavor in recipes. It is not a replacement for butter in a recipe. It is only a flavoring, not an 'ingredient', just like Vanilla Extract or any other EXTRACT is a flavoring.

What is Amish butter called? ›

Also known as roll butter for its log-shaped packaging, Amish butter is a slow-churned butter that is typically richer and creamier than regular stick butter. This flavorful butter has been produced for generations by family-owned and operated farms, but we're just beginning to see it pop up in local grocery stores.

Which butter has the most flavor? ›

Editor's Choice: Finlandia Unsalted

Finlandia butter has a natural, well-rounded, clean flavor. Most of the evaluators came to the butter tasting thinking that Kerrygold was king and left with a new favorite: Finlandia.

What is the slang for butter? ›

Meaning of butters in English

ugly: I look butters in that photo. They insulted us and said we were all butters.

How do you mimic butter flavor? ›

Read on to understand how the following 15 ingredients can act as butter substitutes for different recipes and dishes.
  1. MARGARINE. Margarine is a fat that is made mostly from vegetable oil that's flavored to taste like butter. ...
  2. SHORTENING. ...
  4. COCONUT OIL. ...
  6. APPLESAUCE. ...
  7. GREEK YOGURT. ...

Is it cheaper to make butter or buy it? ›

Butter isn't that expensive — it's about $3 per pound at the wholesale level. Cream costs roughly $3.50 for 16 ounces, or less if you buy a larger carton. That means the price of making your own butter isn't much more than buying it in the store, and often you can get organic cream cheaper than organic butter.

Is heavy cream or whipping cream better for butter? ›

Heavy cream, whipping cream, or heavy whipping cream are all suitable choices for making homemade butter. Heavy cream, with the highest percentage of butterfat, will yield the most butter; lower-fat whipping cream will yield less.

How long do flavored butters last? ›

Depending on the ingredients you've added to the butter, it should last in the refrigerator for one week and a maximum of one month. In the freezer, compound butter will last for months.

How long can you store flavored butter? ›

Compound butter can be kept refrigerated for several days. They can also be frozen for several months by being wrapped in plastic wrap and stored in plastic freezer bags. Put the butter into a small mixing bowl, and let it warm up to room temperature, usually about 30 minutes to an hour.

How long can you keep homemade cultured butter? ›

– Cultured butter typically lasts for 10 days in the refrigerator. – Butter easily absorbs other odors so make sure it is tightly-sealed. – You can also freeze butter – it will last for several months.

How long can you store homemade butter? ›

Homemade butter's shelf life depends on how thoroughly you extract the buttermilk. If a substantial amount of buttermilk remains, it will sour within a week, otherwise homemade butter can keep for up to 2-3 weeks in the fridge.


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.