The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2025)

13 SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1020 WATER LX) EVENING COURIER WATERLOO, IOWA v- --Vsi si it is i-x- 7 Si. Ss iV sss SW fe. si VsjJiSS frog jr- PROVISIONS. SHARP WHEAT ADVANCE Weekly Grain and Provision Review 0 MGU Cedar Falls Men Spray Orchard 1 Nrt York. I York.

K. -INS- Bu't-r- I I'lniK Inuh.r s. ing.4 1 I i lt, (Af) Rr. ak i I'lVMIie-rv IXU.IS. Mf, i the AiniTii-nu h'Hl I-it ry tirsis, m.v.ii.

Kirns. uh In- Hi. fr- -h. i li fir HILI TAKEN FROM CHANGE SESSION IS ss Board of Trade Cash Quotations SE 'rink: I'r Wlle.wE pi ices HUM iv om- l.itilet stat. uitlkj with a.

airo wheat tilts hanii- heat Nil 3 hard. J. A. BOWN'S FIELD 7'iC'i avera.t;e j.itr -Co a bulnl dovvn, coin isconsin, wlmlo mbk, 1 it- oiits arytnK from ibelttnt ta QUIETEST IN YEARS; TO BRITISH SCALE mm Americas, i iv, earn and nt'ov lsioiis ml- Lk'LS: St. ade; vvlitl" I No.

1 llllK'fl titi'-i Nn. i l- IIII.S'mI, luiX'-d. I1 I I i 'i i.T N' Imw, 71'. i 1 7 Ni. VI'4- lis ll lit! ii v.

lloxv, till 'n r.lisioess lliiticel of l'l ofcssituiai liui'it 1 er and I i'h Chances Taken. vOute, No. 4 wliile i liti'i sainpli Shipments Made to Northern Cities; Canning Plant Talk Quiet This Year. N. l-ivei-ol July JtOc Over llonievi ic I'iyuie; 4'n Surt Poor.

i Valtu-s Slii'inU. i i hi: if Ki" AtliMlit. fill' fit 'T'lillLT ade. ii 1,1 1 No. J.

vv hit I null I 1 Mill i riitu- J.if, tllt t'S 'y. It" 1 sonii. iieat traders, it it-mains to n-n which of tin- Iwo ewnts will nl- ii 'a i-jc hi it is, in, wit jifi'r-. the value bread--tuf! rtiiir tn the ram s. riotis r.

pott tv (AT) ct.ip coining even frnni I.a Porte City, May (SntHial) A ton of iisparasuH 4 1 't it I I live: Not quoted, liirkv: lliyw-Ml (. I loWI'Mevd 32.1 I'm. iHiiiim. I.ard: nr. Kins: Jltj.7-..

i IN'S liuu. K'- Khiim.s vliftv nxitH cf i ht ouMtf.k I ,1, teirell t.ela.V ll.T IseS-l siotl of tie. III I I Let, ol the ill I.C.IIl Hlisiliess of piofi ssi.aial chat -1 ceipls-. i actci- villi si-. -illative fores ''i'' day to (so to Waterloo.

Clilc.mi). Si luli: i in i t(ra, r-. pMiMiii il vh-Itl rr whctit Mia liish, i itiiis ha a Iw-ftj uiunM-HUnm i. hovv im; little ibs o- tti. lr in.i.l July delivery of wheat fully over I'liiiiiKii July ami with l.lverinn.l (leii.her at.

a shipping differ, ovei the Whellt inaiUei ti.ilay Hoareii a sharp advatui at the last. Kains in t'annila ami in the ma e.vl a' ted inure nr less as an lliiwever, Ihe late start fur the stirum i rnii liuill tmrtli and sunt It nt ilatn- conm it men! in vot of the un Ii ''I 7 1 Iv. -s''. t.jMMiill fl d. ia tl.

-Il 'Jnat. IX-irs: '1 is iud -I lui'li-r i. i n-s ik-i'Us. -7 onlnnry in-'- in 1i vj- -ivW! Ih" Url. May 'r.

rh'''ikis" '-ni huvi. tbo'l yXT-' l.tmlllinlbl". li'l vv.a'her p.a;..,.R. i i fUl has I.e. -low iv the lalll-tl sink.

Ion. dcttt.d downward with of I i.i- I'iiul, Minneapolis, uuiuui, uinin- f'K other points Iihs been ut liie last week in lhn ll-acre bed i northwest of here ou land owned ly .1. A. Hewn, of Waterloo. Kor nearly 40 more da8.

inl-; lers will ko into the tu ld daily at a. m. and harest tender shoots that have grown in1 MOST HOGS SLOW SPKA Y1NC! WATSON ORCHARD. the inn I'anadian Inn- kept trailers aiHe- Cedar Kails, May S. While the warm sun was shining last ilUM nlxl i.u, in th- s.n.s,,,, tiisday and buds on apple trees were just, showing signs that they can i mmv ctnuml lat.r on a.

soon would open. L. W. (wirner. al lefl, and W.

II. Allani. right. u.i of liuu liu: and lack cliicketis. 1 le' duck Poultry: roosters.

I Ree LIGHTS 111 DEMAND i .1 i-iuni in-put; rn ii vpi i.nn a iif I i' i a i "i su "'ii. i lor the hit; stock i corn in itme lure, i eroii ropollK IUI.VI3 been aus-picoiis and there bitve been Ktviiy tieiis. pi the ats ytslblf' stnply. 'i moved shundy lin- unih i-tone the liart ol the battle against Hcule and insects in I he nine acres of fruit trees on he la-acre farm at the edge of the city, owned by Miss Ktta ('. Watson.

with considerable slop-losM s. Ilmu at 111 it s. r.ri'.il, it! line with leif mid with it was i lie ciusiei uu mil, V. i i Wheat cI.xm.iI firm Wheat closed (inn, It le hiuli ilin-t-s of stocks of Ihi the relative and apptes. i tie trees are in goon mi.

mp IV" crn, unehantr. and nn a le the paxt. 1 hours. In a small building at the edne of the hie egetame bed. the aHiarBU8 will he sorted and praded, put Inlo Imnches.

weighed and otherwife prepared for shipment hy half a dozen women. Seven cutttrs are working at present. No Canning Mr. Hown in his working attire, seated at a Rinall desk in the packing room or going about among the workers, nersonally inspects the crop is expected. J.

u. Jiariauu is waim hi i. Hl iz 'r, f.ain. orchard. i Vn-r, Thni Ailtanrm.

Wheat develop, s.nuelhimc i. an up up KM. 'JO; High t.liialilv Steer After loileiiing I ai l.v Gains. i s. -d on r.

cts lam- the oi I nitol States I 1 1 1 hi 1 1 1 on I Ajax lid aik all sank to In hi'V i for In- Sua Ii I'm to Ki Pin I- point-, bid ilh x. i I eomi.arat lvel live c- sic lloig re than a IM.tlit 1" Ileal injures. pt no! ioally inn' a Point I I. law a i. and llinlson be-iiii: ih" only ha no- ef aiso Welo suuel-l, Mllllllie lb till mi; l.

a iiik was 1 sales it p. in.n. 'ic i sb.i i l.iidlc. li.ivv nw tird (lie absence of il. tbilli- cliatic- ill llle Lntlsil Htllll1ii.ll pri i deft, bo.or th(" i' liillK.

il I'llemn-al op, ti. il point lower. I. ni most of 'lie oilier popular small fractional ni i WD Arrivi; IIK.III 1'IUCK l.KM ward trend after a uaveruiK stait Tin l.i diseoutd of prices itnd at Kan-sis- I'lty ius eonipared wiih 1. T.

B. Mav I A I ') t-'nv ol a bb nop ondit ions and ib ei silh loll ol clop plantiiit! oidti ate inci'. used ppk-I tily lot- Ho- part of tin ootmirv, in lli- opinion of Mil SI. Caul railroad official-who have Just tinted a immilt's lour In IS stale-. heliri to slretiKHien values in iiLninuu i ii Mav A P) But it markets- dtirit.

the vve.k w-m turn and active at a tirlcfl vel, I While receipts at th four markets were otLernitf ic a inisnet over Plans Ready for Wing on Poultry House at Exhibit Plans have been prepared for an addition which will be built product and oversees activities in i vyere heavier than lor the prevt.nisv we. for 'J. bard wheat hero. lieperal t'enditioim in North Pit Until iiine- (,, Mniply mi U.aleis' tloers was at un GHUNDYCQUNTYTO general. Asparagus is shipped from here in baskets, (acli containing 24 hunches that weigh one-half pound Sotll Hlld pulls of South flakotit at'' i-v indicating tli ood v.

b.iii can stand a i cpial to the arrivals. lllofe WllllOltt I ll a tl "Ic-f il llinr- ti ISIIf'S tjOI I Oil Lie A met an 'a and i i n- a laulii: I man. 'pan ef liuvir? for trail. at Dairy rattle ongress tor a t'l I'm. i -ii, to ad each, or I 'J pounds per basket.

'vh hull infre ol- nine; sal I'll! I vi lie- i-t ni lime m. -tthee r- nnlicipale their unit in nliniiod dow I at'-- wi.lch.d and an iimny (iia rt -rs. sln.ks consul. -ra id in liuliish oepoi-tant factor in siiapmir ntn-ni I ai cs of limm-diat- reeds wee bflnir e. la, w.

vel, in1 bv nrofesslonals. Till se llllib i-s are liV tie. Bin! section of fresh, liito cloth -(hi)i' ftli, according to ting in Bewed over every basket juounrentent at the ollice of the! lie. arlv took pi ward tlitu ill del-l aistra dairy exposition, which has as-i i is-ai-s In OCCUR OfJ MAY 12 No Objections Anticipated. Al-tho Black Hawk Battle Has Had Influence.

sinned duties of management of the chicken department, formerly conducted by Waterloo Poultry when filled, and shipping tags are applied. Shipments me made from La Porte City. Numerous baskets taken riailv "bv Waterloo trade go by autonionile directly from the packing shed. was liht pindiriK the overiuo- til i top rejiori due this afternoon. OlMMlitlK (jlllltllt lllllfl.

I'hn-airi. oiv-ninc ipjotatiotis, op p. tc up iih-w) I i4 I and Julv 'n 1 1 a s. nil around and then nptttrns to ahove hnish. iirn.

C'onttnurit tine weather Kept corn and oats eas May and July corn reached low prion, oint' slighdy under yesterila y's minimum (inures. Alter unchiUiMcd to U1' down. Jnlv 7 3 74 all in coin r. to a. ni.Mlonun xteni.

at. I'ats stalled lo higher. July tln-re were triflu.g int. s. I'nn ibitIIN.

I'rovtstonH were a. little easi-r with i-orti vveaUn. ss. Ilvn oti i-olli sides t.f the markel and 'in. I.ib ui i ol ION govonttnpiit crop report was I i pool, May UN'S) Th r.i- In riileaim Hi H-ftMiiocm, It will (in- tn niaikel.

was ctosed today fullovvitii; lie- ahitnilolicl ncreaire, coinlitimi. iitidlth, i-ec-nl vo'e ef th tneutl'iern of the e-tiniated tf and i e. ha hip- rliei' b.s-aiis.. of (tin rpii-iiiso UKUi-e-H mi ha s. i-ptitm; iitike, will be resumed as plowing' nnr lemal "ll fliiciiK'i.

May Cotton r.Itwed tn opllleu's at b. lime. I to b. p. ndi'l'.

It I'lnvncs was. bid ui mid I idled In'UK, iHiihvonh, ami mnrra) sold point or -o I ii an of tb" vndici'" which of- t', tile I nil, HUH of 7 pef Icioan rev. iinn ill h-nds was followed bv it -ireak of over a Iio'tlls to 11 I 1 1 1 1 ii i -il 1 1 a i. The addition will be a wing. '48x4S feet.

It will accommodate Talk of an asparagus canning, the waterfowl, production classes factory at I Porte Cilv, which 'of chit kens, and bantams. tio't ts amt a- l.i inmsoit PU'I' 'I'1H. It. tM-ttits t.MUtv. i lofu: is.i.ic; Vhv i I' i Lo, aloes .1 ill I ictotw-r, J7.32c; lic.em- ll I liurns I a l.

r-' "A and ids i 1.1. a or tum i-'orei, tl opened irreeiiiiir. iied 1. i Puir i. a i cars; total I sb ipnn-nl la r.

1 1 .1 1 7 1 i 'a na 1 1 4: I'll ll'ml-'. "s(. Trad- I The addition makes it possible! to ofler 12 booths, six on each; side, at the front of the building. These will be taken by persons-wishing lo display commercial I'bieaL-o Mav pencil May I AH) II- c. left over, S.u ni.s-'iv si.

aiiv litlht vv. in b' 1 demand hers slou ib Lie I mi pounds down. 1 1 prl'-e to pacK. i's -In to li'J. hut.

Io cs. I tj pa. kilu; nioslH aroioid 12. till clloie, killhiK HH IIP I I I estniiai. il In.ivy w.iulu iioe--, i L' so "i I ...4" in.

diiiiu." i 1 I I -a 1 1. la lie i it licht 1 a I I luckiim sous. I 1 i i lacs. i r.a'n 1 a i-i ag pi 1. r.l.

I i Uee. ipts, I. with week uisa: gnoii fti.l choic ctioh ol foil stnrs of all teprcsi tiia'iv i VfiB Ills, llftir eatij mlVllllc. fully bvv. unol, I iMim: siiS rs and nici.ty fe.

r- w-nk stlv l'''1' m- 1 i and I. se ril. w. -mar, fairly freati top i s. 1 1 n.4'1 ea; line-, b-m I it lit arlihgH aeliv.

belli g.Niil tin. I eh. lal etc b. In ij r. in l-i and nnd i hulls lovvir; ab rs pa sb) stc.uly week's PiiIK pne fell slielo, Scluy i rs.

7.i.'- cutters, 1 7 .7 i inlvw, i I ii.i slock. -I and rs. SHKI J1 Keceip's, 7.i..M for mount! 4 ti i dm-. a. and mm I liellHltf feed Stations, If 'Si If Sollie d.

liunhs stonily at pared with w. In! clipped lambs 1 ii 1 limber; w.n.1 lambs, miaiitv cotmider. d. sironjr Li higher; sprint: Iambs steady mr. mi.

fit iigcd sin- 1 1 7 lower; we, lis lop price: la: Wool la ei lis. Ml Til linii.s. Ki.mi 'a ran: ii 7 I. en 17 fa I wool w.s, dipped ull, pt fat Ian. bs.

1 i I lipped laiui.s. 1 I 7 ss 7., so. Iclcf Grundy Center. May s. (Special I --Wednesday.

Mav I is the day appointed when Mark G. Thornburg. state secretary of agriculture, will conduct hearings at was heard at. ler.gih in some quarters last year, is comparatively 'Itiiet this season. Mr.

How stated M'sterday I hat as long as the product all ran be sold green, no canning will he done, and that he knows nothing definite at present I 1 I in. I I I la Ii I aic llcli; .1 LI ithe courthouse in Grundy Center products. Ten of the booths will have til stiuare feet of door space f.nrlv- Hi-live, sliKlttlv- si i Hirer VV is-coiisin sitcke.i round vv lutes. 'jr. Iditlii) HuKHt-lK.

'ii it. 2... new stock, sliubily weaker; Texas sack, ti bliss Triumphs; nwwtlv Inferior, 8.Sj Lb irida barrel Spaldirik' Live, No. 1. 7.) 11.

Nn. 'ii 9 i st.atlv today. Li-lc wire 1 iwint higher to 1 May opi at I up July 1 7.K7.f, tlovvn iictiibm- 17.l.'.t, il 1 'oct niber I7.nie, tlovvn New Vork, ay (INK) liie cotton market was so-ady til the with lust prices il wints low. ln i' poinls liitrlp f. npc-it.

at I up July IS dmi-u antl 17.4 7c. down about such a plant being erected, each, and two will have about luu -) 1 iy I "la colli S. I innl I A il, i 'In III. I I A me! lea II I'iill Am, Car l-'tly Anc-rican I a m- a not i Am. Mil ft GRAIN AND PROVISIONS.

O. A. Hown Has Patch. square feet each. 1 1 i .1 IS-, Hy lite Awwiated Press) To.lav's -'teniay's ST ATHI KM1.

hoi si: Thrt 11-aere patch of asparnguij Two new doors will be made, so has been producing for se i ral ipersons visiting the show may en-vears flood care has helped toter and leave the building more k.ep it in condition. (conveniently. I HAKIM! New Vo.rk. Tilt rniitket wits firwi at the close, final I A I I May t'los. I Kol i lipen'K 1 1 I 7.1.

S. I I Am. i. Sue. ir (li) Am.

Tel. T- I l'l Ann i-viiii 'bio- 1 I A merioa ,1 oolcU I'L' Anaemia fopp. Armour of lib 11 b) 7 121 At I 'oiisl 1 iS Lull, 'Ilia Sl! II, i beiu .1 S3 tual i-oudii urn of rb bouse I.u ks i prn es raiiuitu: from 1 7 point biiilnT it ml iniKi ei pa ii for ho -ek luivit linn i esL-i i ise. Sjh mi ton was eveess reserve of I.Tfi".!". 'Hus Is1 up points, with inuHlini," uplands at an hiiTisv ff J.t.te.i.

Liu ttuiipared with 11. w. hen oa-ess serve t.f m-'" wa-s SIOUX CITY LIVESTOCK Now there are 1 acres more of asparagus coming vii at liown's farm, which will be producing a vast amount in the future if it con Xeb raska, Missou ri Dairymen Desire to Send Fat to Hudson Airo H2' 1 1 1 lit'. i i 1 44-4 4 4 4 1 I2t 15.47 Sioux fity. l.i., A 1 ran) eoniiiHred with tinues to prosper.

The plants on! this acreage are net being cut thisi season, since they wire put out last year and are beinti given time toj 11 (Hi New York, May ti. lS) l'l 'i 4 I 4-'. tali 4.) I vvceK fl 11" lal steers Hllll Veil l'l I II 'w L'ae tower; fat cows and heifers. sO-adv to eantiers ami cutters. 'luill; ll.

ts'e, un vv in-lied, olno ta.nd Pt nnsv I an in. domestic II I it II tl lit lit. I'll--. I lit, I ath. pl'd.

La-o i 1 1 1 a I. A ni ueoni-ed tlomesi 1 etc a In. sis "I I I a domes! il at which may appear and state their reasons if they feel this should not he declared an accreditor urea to reradication of bovine i ti herculosls. Approximately SO per cent of the owners of breeding cattle in Grundy county have signed petitions asking that the county be an accredited area and that testing be compulsory. According to the law.

the hearing will be conducted. It is not anticipated that trouble will come up here when Thornburg arrives for the hearing. The of re-actors in the county has not been excessive, ami people generally have heeu in favor of test ing. of Trouble. It, has been learned.

however, that some rumors of opposition lo the work have been circu lat ing in he northeast section of the county, near the Black Hawk line. It. is presumed ihat if these rumors an founded on tact, the feeling against tile test in that locality has been eiici'turaued bv conditions in the ad-joining i niinl.v. wheie a bovine tuberculosis battle litis been under iv a for long 1 1 me. A goodly number of people in that section of Grundv use Cedar ulls as their trading point, and t.

rrtttiry, clean barb sleadv; lis. St, i'dy; bulls. 1 f.e higher; rs. steady p. si toiur s-pM-k vearlnik's uml calv-en.

sirotiir: cows and heifers, idt-mly to low r. 11'MiS: Ibs-eipts. stritflv tn Wlicat May. new old July September i Juiy Sept ember i lata May July Septomher July September Laid Mav Jnlc bihs Julv Hollies Mil July May. new old Jul- s.

i -P. i ru Jab. (ii, uiIn I Hit Ill -7 i a Hudson. May S. (Special) r'ame of Hudson Co-operative creamery has extended lo distant points and Its success has attraited dairy producers in other states, dietary Henry Lafrcnz has received letters from Missouri and Nebraska and many places in Iowa inquiring about shipping cream to Hudson.

'I he patrons, however, are lontlned to route going out rather strength anil room are getting an opportunity to develop. In addition to that, another voting bed nearby is owned hy Hown, a brother of .1. A. P.own. It isn't being rut this season.

There flte about eight acres. The soil Is said lo be very suitable here for asparagus produclion. It is kept in a high state of fertility b.V applications at Intervals. WATERLOO MARKETS 1'rire of I P. m.

Alil.v H. OKAIN. OMAHA LIVESTOCK I I III. ie ilVV -I floe. Mil St.

L. pld. 17k, f. I I' T'i I 'file t'opp, (L I'hrvsl, i lot, c.1.1 i I'm I I i las I', rn Ll'odii, t-i eS l'l ll, ihle St. I Lam- pid 4's I L.f A 1 r.

I ii 7 17. tn 1 7 eltHS. I.iwi pp. m'bla: bulk i.f sales. lUM'l laibls.

1 1 1 I 0 butchers, -m I2 ti Ifi.OO'.i Vi i.n im 1 l.n'i't Stilus, I ii. 1 1.2:.. 'sji lice, -ns, ruul; with 11 week hio. steady; lambs. il.YI'l; Oil I VV lu 40 oilier l.ol I liCllt hoc- L.

oi-l id itv-l. lejl Oil I'- ini'k 17.7') (From Waterluo Mill Co.) heat Lot No. 4 tints Harky live Flour, i 'leai- (Jtiill. bbl Kli.lir, l'l VSLtl I'alellt. bid iiltld t.

ci pound loi to jr.) I r.n 1 1. 1 I i i from here which are traveled bv ha tilers in motor rut ks. The lo highest hulterfat produc-is in March, atinouuced hy I.a 1 a I blileli. I i Farmers to Have Outdoor Meeting hulk 1 1 -1 p.o I'KIHII I Lrc. vv Lmrt t'reaoiery butter, Alle-iilll lillUPI', iricn'.

lecciiliv. Hit. 01 dreUSer HOine, '1- round's; Thomas Hansen. al. I II III iirir 1 I i i a V.

I I i i.i 1 1 i 7 cm VI 'I I.I Ke iii'i "iiU'ii .1 vv, i I a I rs 1 l-w, ST. JOSEPH LIVESTOCK. St Joseph. May S. lAI'l nits.

1 market. lo I lowei top, bulk. JLi.iii 1 I'ATTI. 17: ncoeiptu, 300 market nom-imil; bulk of Wf-k. mdi' 71 ''i 7 I 7 .4 7.

.16 ff 17 L'2 a (HI .,7 tn un, uiv I -i rm- i In I 11 40 covyn and heifers. 75 Iloistein, mil Heck, hon horn, 4: H. K. Walters. Oiiern-spv, Loonan, lion horn (leorge Wallers, Guernsey, lb: ItedlDrd-Ko.

Short horn, 4 4 Kd. Norilen, Khrig Brothers, Shorthorn. Antone Heck, Shorthorn, 41ii.l. low i 1. 1, Iks I -r imd hi steers, i atld licit, Is, I.

I -ee lower I lli rs and inn-is sir, lo I 1 1 Tripoli hntier. IjiiiI, pk I I'olitlot bll I I 'oliltOt VV i I'll! I.TR V. limit, is-, 1 IP. mid ever Uroili I.i Mliorns tin hear various ancles of the! Mav llhu-k Hawk county light.

I Julv Leaders of the work know hat I he large majority of the ru nd 1 people believe in the test, and tlnttj 'h'J. Ihey feel it has bet lair, and a I oii'r tniHrtiiiiiit for crie.ter livestocU 1 i i PEORIA LIVESTOCK ind hulls s(. an 1 mi vv and ik.l 1,,, I. d. rs vv, an I I'eona, III, -7 ipls.

1 ly; top, JI.I77,; -'7 lirhf. I it 1c 1 1 bi-i piitliiiiiis, heavies. i'Ci mi k- I 1 Ml I "'I Stilus. 10. (JO 'It I I I' I '4 4 a' 41 a 1 L' 1 1 1 -v i I Oil t.i.j;, 1 7 i ii I -iv.

bulk i In iters. 1'ir-s. is I I'nlil m. I I-I I I lie I.l ells IS Laillead I'lav'i IS 171 I i 1 1 I Li i.e. 't a I 'I3.

ta I. it l.lelllr -II n. i a I 1 'i nee fa 1 of Slnt. sit ,1 mi II kli IC ei Cllllal IHI 111! p- ii 1 1. '-'I 'omlnist em 1 .11 ir 4JT.

He, I -It I op pef ''H 1 1' i1, ii. I 'ami til I i L- I -I i-l I It) I I P'd eV ,1 I.e'v I I A II IIH.I i 1 1 1 I I- A t. 'l I Met an i.l I I i i p. i ll 't, i a '1 L- urn 41', i i.r a The price paid patrons in March ry here Mac for hulterfat was cents. 1 Vimil O.

Iv. 77. .7 Anamosn. May ler PLANNING CON TINUES herd mum in FDR Hfll 5TFIN RAI for 'Is. Garrison, May Special The Hrst outdoor meeting of the tmanoti for farmers is wheduled Ht the Alfred Greaser home, in Jackson township.

Benton county, fur Monday evening, May 10. If weather is unpleasant, the gathering will he inside. "Kami for Sale." a motion picture, will be fihowu at p. m. teatures limestone and clover as remedies for a rundown farm.

A iiniedy also will be displayed. There will be spcrial music com miintty Hlngliig and recitation. The. county agent will discuss radication and control of groundhogs, aqutrrels, moles, rale. gopher and cutworms.

He will talk nf thf farm relief hill pending in congress. It Is known as the llaiig- bill. Other topics will ho corn yield test plot, swine sanitation, iimlng for alfalfa and soil erosion. a w. rneti nere lie re liiorn- Ma Jul.y Webider Clly.

May S. Tin state office of Iowa Holslein burg, state secretary agrp inture. condticli il a hearing on the bovim test. oN olijeitois lo placing tin I f-, la I dd most! I un ks Se 'I i Inns, and voune 'rillkels. old terns I I'ATTI 1, AMI IIIII1V (Klein Lath LnoklUK I 1.

1 I All i t). Kalll p'ant Ste, rs iia'-i fl II, If, rs 7 r.0 I 'ott -4 2 iiii'-l n. 0 i'atiti, HIi'I milter" I 4 nO La! is eaiH I'" 'i2'. I heirs. i L'l'l IPs I Ies.

1 ii I' Ii" I I T-ni lioiis, 7' 'ai I I I7 7i, i L'-mi-i to II" i -In i ,,,11 peck, iimh lot. IPs. I I i I el ll. nVT Or. II AMI HTK1M.

1 MAV AOKIi I.UAIV AMI IMV. A vv Mav I Friesiiin Breeders' Hssociation ait- ivni'li oil eo lo ii 1 1 I so t' iM I i nounces that eight hires, each from i i i dame with records of more than, f' Mai-. I l.uiill pounds of butter, have bee, "ar.a:; VornVMil procuted lor the mttioual I lo'slein i ii was l.e:n.' done. "IV N' tmx.d auction lo he at Tics Moines June roimties (lean iv.hb, i in connection w-Uh the litittiinl i tim Mav iv VI rl tmilv-i Moines, May "i rt unlly i 1 la meettnc, of 1 1 nNtel Kr ii l.reetl- .1 i i i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniih ILOANSj 1 $10 to $300 1 5 for veur immed iat? up. There'i "no delay in STAT LOAN SKR- EVIf'K.

Make application TO- rMAY. (let vour loan TOM OR- 5 EllOW. K' pav In SMALL or monthly payments t-tij suit your own convenience. Tin: cost for 5 iiiontlt 2.II4 E)S-50 fur moiillis A.VJ.Ai rfllM) for inoiitli" Ail loans made under the iz of the T.TK i I N1 K.N'T. 1 STATE LOAN CO.f E.

1 1 5 K. lili Si. I Slairt. J7 I'lion 5 iTiitnuiiiniMiiiini niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinir i cs which Imve In si caitle fur bovine 11 In re ll i S. ST.

PAUL LIVESTOCK or' Associaiion of Anienca. Ll ve. No io 1 1, I. w- rk I mil ic. I (Krooi lii.

rrkiv Ai Sons) an on com nil isnr led and i- i If is ffoney Means $9H)0 to Farmer Fivt' are sires trim! extensively win well know herds, lip' anniitinee- ,1 ill li.n Th 1 i 1 7'. no Pal, ,1. orpins In Mark i. Tlioni-j 'V nil seeietilly ol acflctll I llle. i I I I 1 i merit says, a lid the.

owners have, hp re en reluctant to consicn them Lapp! increase le -linn ciiib- al National, IaJ ltl villi lie bulls also have In en that Iowa people i 1 1 n-1 I v. I. fi i S'tlitW, ba'. d. vv It 1111 1 Vr 1 hn Hi 1 .,,11.

i Vo, -air, mo. I mi oflereil. to railicaie 1 i Mav --Wilbur -i iho s. ii K'kader Itaruack. urmitiir near i UIIDDV Tn CC I is KANSAS (HA l.lillv this county, rcpirts that he 15 of honey IOWA CORN SEALED ol tttit add Al I bide 1 iim 2 Lots rrom pis apiHry in ttie wotujs on ins nn-ilili, irnlihj b- place and from another apiary; Moines. May ports wo coiiniie, 1 I ,1. I owneu py nitti ai i.iuii.ivinii. lu'from sealers show that corn under oinpleteil are acii.ely eiiciiKi 1 honey, retailinif at cents a I arehouse is drying ut and area n- lite, 1 herd i pound. meatiH to liim.

And keepitiK In yood shape, sVorei a -( h. i ttia in -t then, some people think hees are nf Agriculture M. ti. Thoriibui. -laie ITS'-not motieyiniikets.

If this honey MV, Stune torn still as beini: i let. Public Auction wire put Iti nve-pnunii pans una sealed bttt there i a tendency now viivvru'iilb I I in i set lop of another, they wctlbl unbind a portion. In the major- -noes mi V- make a column 'all. jty eases, however, farmers are 1 nv homy! hi no hurry In market their crop. 1 I I p., I 1 lo that with the increase in SPFNT" HflTRFD IS duality, better price will be ob paved rieid to tie. Tl II i at- i Sid-f 17. N. Cow turn It. i'h i pi i 1 pi TUESDAY, MAY 11th EMPLOYED TO START SWEET POTATO CROP WANT TWO COW TEST ACcyWC; COR RrMTDM i-i i 1 1 ai i i em is I il Ii I Ii.

I VI II 1 vi. I 1 i k. i.i, si art inn -1 lil.i. nomw i vii i ui lartl I 'It" For Iowa folk who like to try! omethiliK ii little out of (he or-; 'i years tdd. i 4 1 i.a in th way of par.leniue to KANSAS CITY MVE3T0CX 1 tow provide a change in Hie family Vml lot, 1 1 I unto.

,1 nr I larder, piittine out a lew l.i., ,1 i. 1 1 tr I- a le- I-i 1 I I I potatoes initlit wurth whil i I ill'. 1. 1 -l Ptlidlier oitl Will loin I this summer. Tlp-re are 7'7 in the mvs lira Miiirh.

hort it nil ui al ex h'S ill, 1- tv I "TP ll jnsf pert at Anns enl ei ci mil. riny will 'd- I i.p ibl nf sle; I i i. 1 mmk I m' i.e i- ll-i V- I I I I le I ba el" i. l- en 12 so rod tii'i' 1 R-I'lt" Lid to I I lllel! ol A) A HIM I1A- ra-' 7 I'letily of nw led. potatoes will be pre'Ml he table later in the 7" letiitht to reoriranie ti al I.n available for th fur aimlhi ear's wet'.

eson if but half a peck, in plant li't i. it A i I i I 7 I i 1111 I rn -Mi- ed In a "Hpent'' hotbed Immediate-! A "ciifHif rinil.Dil ivj nnni Ii I 'i i iu i i' km io. olumieis. ii. i I l.S i ef L.

E. JOHNSON, Owner lian nurse.l or plant I-' A ri nounciiie nt a bee, to-readv this Hie heal from th maiiure lw-inz almost spent. hambei- Atne la. a- rat'i'-r potatoes fur plaiitine f-'a" 1 'ar-tv Thev rati he as i for 1 lonvenienl in Hip lodbed. just no llta ni a tm I.

of be Ihev do not touch ach oiher. roiL-. i 'I itboubl be covered hi' Situ I. a fnchen of dirt, well w-term -aid. II.

a fi'ttwriv -i nntl lli" sasfi replaced over He- at the I'tiini o' L'li a- four nr f'P khIp i J' i- Ili'S ill be rtaily tu eel out. tbcr 1t.ioie to vi A ni'ti I 1 ol WITH THEFARMERS. tnral srl lr-r rd A i xv a ion I i E'i'or Firm part Wnterlofi Fvenn l''i Wn- Iowa. I'hnno 7,1, I ad, ni to i.r; a i 1 i I i urt 1 ip it.ii.i I l.tuie t'll-U I I I..

The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2025)


What is the phone number for the Waterloo Courier? ›

Contact 1-800-798-1730 or email for additional information.

Is there a Costco coming to Waterloo, Iowa? ›

Costco is officially opening in Waterloo on Tuesday. On Nov. 8 at 7:30 a.m., Costco general manager and vice-president Pierre Riel will kickoff the wholesale warehouse opening with a ceremony.

What is the phone number for Waterloo? ›

Phone: 519-888-4567

Our automated switchboard is available 24/7. Just tell it who or what department you need. You can talk to an operator from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday by staying on the line. Can't find what you need?

What is the phone number for on track delivery? ›

Both our Tracking Results and Contact Us pages include special action form that helps us address your service requests as quickly as possible. You can call 800.334. 5000 for support, but you could experience long hold times during the holiday season.

How big is the Costco in Waterloo? ›

Greeted by local dignitaries and store employees, hundreds of shoppers came to check out the new 155,000 square-foot store located at 930 Erb St. W., Waterloo.

What partner did Costco drop? ›

When Costco and American Express , announced a year ago they would be ending their exclusive partnership of 16 years, investors and consumers were worried. Just after the news about the severed relationship, the credit-card company's stock fell 6.4%, its largest one-day percentage decline since August 2011.

Where is Costco opening new stores in 2024 in the USA? ›

Here's a list of the homegrown locations coming to a city near you soon:
  • Richmond, Texas: June 2024.
  • Northwest Omaha, Nebraska: July 2024.
  • Chaska, Minnesota: July 2024.
  • Tomball, Texas: August 2024.
  • Covington, Louisiana: August 2024.
  • Ridgefield, Washington: August 2024.
  • Napa, California: October 2024.
  • Bend, Oregon: October 2024.
Jul 4, 2024

What is the phone number for the Pittsburgh Courier? ›

To subscribe to the New Pittsburgh Courier print edition, to obtain back issues, or place a classified ad, email our office manager, Allison Palm at or call 412-481-8302, ext. 136.

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You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-866-2211. Residents living in California, Georgia, Maine, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Virginia can cancel online by visiting their Account Management page once logged in to the website.

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You can talk to a customer service representative about canceling your subscription by calling the customer service number on our contact us page. You can also manage your subscription online by going to our Subscriber Services dashboard.

What is the phone number for Freeman shipping? ›

For questions, contact us: or call us at 1-800-995-3579.


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.