The Logan Daily News from Logan, Ohio (2024)

THE LOGAN DAILY NEWS Poge 2 Friday, September 13, 1963 Hocking Valley Idle Pay Claims Show Slight Gain Total number of idle pay benefit claims filed Hocking and Athens counties last week increased slightly over the figures for the previous week, according to Horn- lloiner Sihein, manager of the Ohio state Employment l.ogan office, S. Spring today announced job open- Inrs for apple pickers, one ramp rook, a part time office clerk, an appliame saieman and a route salesman, who must furnish his own light truck. Additional women applicants in terestcd in factory work are needed. said. Applicants must he at least IK.

5-2 in heighth and must not he overweight. Interested persons should contact Schcin at the office or call EV 5- 5M9. er Schein. manager of the office of the Ohio State Employment Service. Claims filed last week totaled 713, an increase of 21 claims over the figure for the previous week This is a normal fluctuation for this time of year.

Schein Effort To Father-In-Law Proves Costly A Ixjgan Ht. 2 man went to a lot of trouble and expense. $34 70 to be exact, to keep his father-in- law from getting wet during storm. Bobby L. Crawford.

26. was fined $10 and costs by Mayor Delmar freeman yesterday for driving left of center, and was fined another S10 and costs for driving on a sidewalk. City police said Crawford, traveling north on Mulberry pulled over to the wrong side of the street, blocking the south lane. Then he drove his auto between the parking meters onto the sidewalk at the rear of Leon to pick up his passenger, officers In other court, cases1. Norman Bill Bock.

32. txigan Bt. 1. was fined $10 and costs, with the suspended, for passing at an intersection. Abe George Mohlcr, 46.

I.ogan Rt. 2 was fined $10 and costs for reckless driving. Kenneth L. Finney, 20, was fined $20 and costs for reckless driving. Mayor Freeman continued un til Sept 21 a hearing for William F.

Hem rick, 23, of 1312 Fourth who was cited by city police Aug. 29 for failure to have a license and operating a vehicle without taillights. said. Hocking County's unemployed filed 446 claims last period, a drop of 10 from the 456 claims filed two weeks ago. Number of initial claims filed dropped sharply from 49 the i(His period to 28 last week, a decrease of 21 Continued claims filed went up slightly, increasing 11 from 407 to 418 last week.

Athens County recorded the major portion of the increase in claims filed, with figures going from 236 the previous week to 267 last week, an increase of 31 claims. Number of Athens initial claimants went from 40 the previous week to 47 last week, while continued claims filed jumped up 34 from 196 to 220 Number of initial claims filed in the two-county area last week totaled 89. an increase of 14 over the 75 claims filed the previous period, Number of continued claims rose 35 from 603 two weeks ago to 638 Hocking initial claims total of 28 was slightly below the weekly average of 38 recorded for the month of September 1962. Continued claims filed, however, remained well above the 1962 September weekly average of 375. These figures exclude federal and inter state idle pay benefits.

SEO News JACKSON City Solicitor Dave Howell has asked Senator Frank Lausche to check on the status of the city of two requests for federal matching funds under the Public Works Acceleration program. Mr. Howell said he pointed out that many Ohio cities had already received grants and some of these cities did not have nearly the unemployment problem that exists here. Jackson has applied for federal matching funds for street con struction and sewer improvement JACKSON Membership in the Jackson Hospital, is nearing the 1,200 mark, reports membership chairman Paul Jenkins. The directors of the Jackson Chamber of Commerce report they are 104) per cent in support of the hospital membership campaign McARTHCR Murrell (Smoke) Martin, former McArthur mayor, has been suspended from his position as timekeeper for the state highway department garage in McArthur for the next 30 days, Supt.

Harold announced. Martin was arrested in Athens County while driving a state-owned vehicle and is awaiting a hearing on a charge of driving while intoxicated. NELSONVILLE BUILDING TO GET NEW FACE Nelsonville Development Corp. has purchased the building shown here from the J. M.

Hyde Co. With Jack Oakley as fiscal agent, a group of Nelsonville businessmen have invested capital to acquire and remodel the building, ond the entire front is being measured for new, modern glass doors and windows. The building is just east of the Postofficc on W. Washington 5f. Nelsonville News 3 New Teachers Added At Nelsonville High Bama Students Rally Against Desegregation BIRMINGHAM.

Aia. CAP) A crowd of more than 200 teenagers started an anti-integration rally today near a downtown high school in an effort to gain support for a school boycott. In a repeat of Thursday's pep rally type the stu dents, mostly boys, yelled for Phillips High hoys and girls to join the protest. The demonstration began shortly before classes started. Some of the Phillips students joined the Others went on to ml World News In Brief group.

out, nigg*r the demonstrators COl MBUS. Ohio (AP) Continuing claims for unemployment compensation, those unemployed one week or more, dropped from 63,059 to 59.092 in the week ended Sept. 7, but new claims filed showed an increase. The new claims jumped from 9,765 filed in the week ended Aug. 31.

to 10.604. In September of last year, there was an average of 77,254 continuing claims on file each week. The average of new claims filed each week in September of last year was 12.846. Man Injured As Battery Explodes Roger Call. Nelsonville Rt.

2, was treated in the emergency room at Hocking Valley Hospital this morning as the result of a freak accident at Ferd Hack Auto Supply Co. Call was hooking un a charger to a dry cell battery when the battery blew up in his face. The attending physician said the injury luckilv was not serious. 42 Peace Corps Trainees Ready For Africa Duty Forty-two Peace Corps trainees who have been preparing this summer for duty in Federal Republic of Cameroon, become full fledged volunteers at a graduation program in Zanesville Thursday evening. The group of 30 men and 12 women had been in training at Ohio University during the summer.

finale marked the first time Ohio has held a major university function at one of its branch college locations. Twenty-seven of the future volunteers spent part of their 10- week training program in Zanesville on practice teaching assignments. They will he teaching in Cameroonian schools. The other group, destined for rural development work, has been involved in field training near Athens since September 1. Before that time, all trainees studied such subjects as pidgin English, world affairs.

Cameroon history and geography, on the Ohio campus. 7 Men Take Test For City Fireman Seven men took the civil service examination at City Hall Wednesday night to create an eligibility list for city fireman. Paul Jurgensmier. Ixigan Civil Service Commission chairman, said today results of the test will be announced Saturday. Fine granulated sugar used to be referred to as or fruit sugar.

LET'S COOK OUTj Cut Up, Troy-Pak FRYERS lb. 3 whole lb. 23c Our Own SANDWICH $1.00 Fresh Ground HAMBURGER 3 $1.00 Our Own CHEESE SPREAD 59c Harden Helber SUPER MARKET-AIR CONDITIONED Sept. 15, from 1-4 p.m., visitors will he welcome to tour the new $3-million Lancaster High School at 230 Infirmary Rd. Some hoard members and school officials will be on hand and most classrooms and other areas will he open Visitors may reach the school site from Ohio 37 or go west on Eastwood from East Sixth Ave.

or East Allen crossing Fair Ave. at the intersecting road to the new school. JUNCTION CITY The first $14,000 in CIC bonds sold will bear 3 per eent interest, Community Development Corp. trustees have decided. This $14,000 they will loan to the Junction City Clay Co.

at 4 per cent interest. The trustees, at a meeting in the courthouse, discussed bylaw changes and the campaign to sell $10 bonds. Unless the county sup plies the $14,000, the county will not get the $86,000 federal grant to help the Junction City firm. ZALESKI Extensive black topping and resurfacing in some areas of Lake Hope State Park is now completed by Contractor Earl Williams of Athens. Parking lots have been given seal coats, and pedestrian and vehicular paths in the cabin and lodge area have been blacktopped.

Three new teachers have been added to the teaching staff at Nelsonville High School this year. Gary Cooper became one of the new teachers at NHS along with becoming a new father only five days after school started. He is 29 years old. attended Indiana University and teaches distributive education and business education. While in college he majored in business education prior to three years service in the U.

S. Army. He, his wife Jeri and their new son Anthony reside in Nelsonville. Mrs. Janice Straight, graduate of Ohio University, was hired to teach vocal music.

She practiced her student teaching in Ixigan and taught two years in Middletown before joining the Nelsonville faculty. Mrs. Straight says her hobbies are tailoring and golf, and she enjoys working with children. She presently lives in Athens but her home town is Zanesville. Mrs.

Philinda Hammond, a graduate of Ohio University and a former student teacher at NHS, is the new librarian. She hopes to increase the quantity of books to meet state requirements and make other improvements in the circulation. She said her hobbies are photography and chess. She makes her home in Athens. sions on both legs and arms and a sprained ankle.

Both autos were totally demolished. Twyman is scheduled to appear before Mayor William Hoffman Saturday evening on a charge of failure to yield the right- of-way. Man Fined, Jailed On Assault Count Darrel Thress, Ixrgan Rt. 3, pleaded guilty when arraigned before Hocking County Judge Vaughn Collins Thursday on a charge of assault and battery filed by his wife Emma. The defendant was fined $25 and costs and sentenced to five days in county jail.

McARTHUR Vinton Probate Judge W. 11. Ixihr has set Friday, Sept. 20, at 10 a.m. for a hearing on the disputed will of the late Jacob B.

Vanderford of Zaleski. The hearing date was set for Sept. 4, and then reset for Sept. 9. then finally Sept.

20. when a court reporter, all witnesses to the will and attorneys are expected to be present. Castro Rejects British Protests On Kidnapings LONDON (AP) The Foreign Office affirmed today that Fidel government has rejected protest against a Cuban raid on the territory of the Bahamas last month. A note from Havana defended the Cuban armed forces landing on Anguilla Cay Island and seizure of 19 prisoners Aug. 13.

Anguilla Cay is part of the Cay Sail group of the Bahamas and is under British sovereignty. Rose M. Angelo, Lathrob, and Carol A. Frisbee, Cumberland Rt. 2, were taken by ambulance to Mount St.

Mary Hospital Thursday afternoon and treated for injuries suffered in a two-car accident at east corporation limit. According to police reports, Miss Frisbee, 20, was traveling west on Canal just entering Nelsonville, when an auto driven east on Canal by Willie I). Twyman, 71. Glouster Rt. 3, turned left in front of the Frisbee auto into Gulf service station.

The Frisbee auto struck the Twyman vehicle broadside. Miss Angelo suffered cuts and abrasions of the forehead and Miss Frisbee had cuts and abra- Acid Attack Threatened Against Queen, Prince B1LL1NGHAM ON TEES, England (AP) Police handwriting experts today studied four notes threatening an acid attack on Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip. The Nelsonville Chapter of Future Business Leaders of America met recently at Nelsonville High School. Miss Sharon McGuire was elected vice president to succeed Sandra Policy, who recently resigned. Other officers are Connie Priser.

president; Donna Rife, secretary; Anita Burchfield, treasurer; Peggy news reporter; Margie ampbell, store clerk; Diane Shanklin, certification clerk; Ricki Lynn Warren, scrapbook clerk; and Velma Newlun, chaplain. County Courts SEEK DIVORCES Elizabeth L. Rose has filed a divorce suit against William Clayton Rose on grounds of extreme cruelty. She also asks for a restraining order against the defendant. support money and expense money.

Carol Mount, a minor, by her sister and next friend, Elouise Thompson, has filed a divorce suit against Roy Mount, a minor, on grounds of gross neglect and extreme cruelty. She also asks for custody of a minor child, support money and alimony. SEEKS ALIMONY Gladys McGrady has filed an action for alimony against Virgil McGrady, Upper Sandusky, on grounds of gross neglect and extreme cruelty. She also asks for a restraining order against the defendant and custody of a minor child. noisy class.

on some of shouted over and over. Meanwhile, a Negro boy and girl quietly entered Murphy High, scene of a demonstration Thursday in which 54 white students were arrested. A group of 30 Murphy boys gathered after the Negroes already had entered. They chanted the now familiar. Two, four, six, eight, we want to They were dispersed by police Students at Phillips and several other still-segregated schools refused Thursday to join in the chanting, yelling and flag-waving demonstrations staged by carloads of teen-agers who roamed the city.

Most of Alabama's 16.000-man National Guard went off federal duty at midnight Thursday. President Kennedy federalized the National Guard to prevent Gov. George C. Wallace from using the soldiers to keep Negroes out of white schools Tuesday. The Army said Thursday night another 130 guardsmen would lie released at midnight tonight in the Mobile area.

This will leave only 545 on duty in Birmingham. Tuskegee and Tuscaloosa. Several hundred white students and some adults drove from school to school, waving rebel flags and staging pep rally type demonstrations in an effort to draw followers from other schools. They succeeded only at Jones Valley High where about 100 students walked out. At Phillips, Woodlawn, Banks, Ensley and two other segregated schools, the crowd was unsuccessful.

In Mobile, about 300 students walked out and demonstrated for more than an hour. Police arrested 54 students. Bonds of $100 each were posted for most of the students by Harry D. Hardy, a Citizens Council representative. Mainly About People WASHINGTON (AP) The Air Force disclosed today that an ait radar screen is keeping a missile defense watch along the eastern approaches to North America.

Lt. Gen. Herbert B. Thatcher, commander of the Air Defense Command, announced that four- engine patrol planes, operating out of Otis Air Force Base. Mass maintain surveillance by means of a new electronic defense known as Airborne LongKange Input, known as ALRI.

Thatcher also disclosed that inauguration of the airlxirne system was a significant factor in the Atr Force decision earlier this year to discontinue operation of the Texas Tower radar stations off the New England Coast. ATHENS, Greece (AP) The primate of the Church of Greece. Orthodox Archbishop Chryssosto- mos. rejected today the papal appeal for unity and denounced the Roman Catholic Church as "capitalist and absolutist The leader of the Greek church, in harsh terms, accused the Roman church of trying to win away converts from the Orthodox faith. the first step toward beginning (unity) talks with the west, declared the Greek primate, the Greek Catholic community should be immediately abolished.

He was referring to the Uniate. or eastern Catholic churches in union with the Vatican. The Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches separated in the 11th century over the issue of papal authority. nors Association there Saturday. The organization was formed during the recent National Governors Conference in i am i Beach, Fla.

Rhodes said he will make the trip alone by commercial plane and return Sunday. CHICAGO (AP) Civil rights demonstrators confronted Sen. Everett M. Dirkscn, at a hotel lobby meeting Thursday night when he came to town to address some ladies of the GOP. While some 700 sign-carrying demonstrators waited across the street.

10 representatives met with the minority leader and protested his opposition to the pending civil rights bill. He was read a letter to him stating reasons for the protest and urging him to reverse his stand and come out for the public accommodations section of the pending legislation. PORT JEFFERSON. Y. (AP) Navy launch, returning men from shore leave in predawn rain and darkness, swamped and capsized today in the choppy Long Island Sound.

Twenty men rescued themselves and one was missing. The accident occurred as the launch neared the destroyer Hazelwood. here for antisubmarine tests, anchored 1,200 yards off Port Jefferson, about 50 miles east of Manhattan on north shore. BELGRADE. Yugoslavia (AP) A Ceylonese delegate today challenged Mrs.

Ngo Dinh version of the Buddhist crisis in South Viet Nam. He called their treatment by President Ngo Dinh Diem's government a violation of human rights and a threat to world Maithripala Senanayeke, chief Ceylonese delegate to the 61 nation interparliamentary union, was replying to Mrs. Nhu's denial that there was any persecution of Buddhists in Viet Nam. "Would Madame government permit an impartial inquiry through the medium of the United Nations so that the truth might be known to the he asked. WASHINGTON has sent to the White House the first major administration bill to be cleared this Kennedy's medical education program.

Democratic congressional leaders expressed hope today that the strategy which won easy passage for the measure will work with other sections of school program. The Senate approved the $236 4 million medical hill by an overwhelming 71-9 vote. The House passed it in April 288-122. It establishes the lirst broad federal aid program in education since passage of the 1958 National Defense Education Act. TOKYO U.S.

Agency for International Development has authorized a $9.7 million loan to help modernize South Viet railway system, a Viet Nam press broadcast said here. The loan is the largest granted to South Viet Nam's railway system since 1955 when the U.S. Operations Mission first began helping restore the network, the broadcast said. COPENHAGEN (AP) Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson arrived in Denmark for a four day visit today, expressing hopes of strengthening relationships between Denmark and the United States.

"We court no territory. We seek no satellites." the vice president said in departing from a prepared speech. "We want only friends." NEW YORK Kohler, U.S. ambassador to Moscow, said in New York the Russian people received news of the limited nuclear test ban treaty "with tremendous enthusiasm." Kohler came borne fof consultations with State Department officials. He said he would return to Moscow the first week in October.

Senator Seriously III SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Two California newspapers said today that Sen. Clair Engle, is suffering from a brain tumor that has left him partially paralyzed and unable to talk. Plastic Bag Kills Baby KENTON, Ohio (AP) Three- months-old Brenda Ann Edgington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ohlen Edgington of Kenton, suffocated Thursday in a plastic clothes bag.

FILES APPEAL James W. Riddlebarger, 692 E. Main has filed an appeal against the administrator of the Bureau of Compensation. Ohio Industrial Commission, and Natco asking that he be allowed the right to participate in the workmen's compensation fund and that he recover costs and be granted a jury trial. The plaintiff alleges he suffered injuries and disabilities on June 8, 1961, when he was struck in the face with a shovelfull of dust while working for Natco.

He states the Bureau of Compensation denied i claim May 17, 1962, and the Columbus regional board of review affirmed the decision on July 20, 1962. Regular meeting of Local 290, UFWA, AFL-CIO, will be held Monday, Sept. 16, at the VFW- DAV hall at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Johnny Roy Cox, nine-y a r-old son of Mr.

and Mrs. John Cox, Rockbridge Rt. 1, was reported resting well Thursday night at Hocking Valley Hospital after suffering head injuries and two broken wrists in a fall from the top of a slide Thursday noon on the playground at West Logan school. He was treated at the office of a local physician and later admitted to the hospital. Johnny would appreciate hearing from friends.

DENVER (AP) Republican governors of the nation, including at least two possible candidates for the presidential nomination, began moving into Denver today to perfect an organization to help unseat President Kennedy. Twelve of the 16 GOP governors, including Nelson Rockefeller of New York and William Scranton of Pennsylvania, indicated they will he present. An informal get-together will be held at the Colorado mansion tonight. CLEVELAND (AP) Former President Harry S. Truman, who helped Stephen M.

Young upset John W. Brieker for an Ohio seat in the U. S. Senate in 1958, is coming to Cleveland tonight. He will speak at a SlOO-a-plate dinner of about 1.200 Saturday night honoring Young for his work in Congress.

USE THE WANT ADS Motorist Draws Fine Clayton Rose, 49, Logan Rt. 1, was fined $10 and costs, with the fine and costs suspended, by Hocking County Judge Vaughn Collins Thursday for driving without a license. He was cited by the state patrol. COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) James A. Rhodes leaves today for Denver, to attend the first meeting of the Republican Gover- Appreciation Wc always have and always will appreciate your kind patronage Thanks a lot.

STONE'S GRILL 47 West Main Street often berry Open Fri. 9 to 9 to Days 9 to 5 Use Our Lay-Away For BLANKETS 72x90" AFGHANS Completely washable, mothproof, long wearing, non-allergenic, for single or double beds, nylon satin binding, plaids in fall colors. BRICKLES, INCORPORATED 1963 Mercury New Car Close-Out Sale! 1963 Mercury Comet 4 Door Sedan Jamaica Yellow, Vinyl and Beige Olympia Fabric Trim, Tires, Convenience Group, Push Button Radio, Automatic Windshield Washer, V8 Engine, Standard Transmission, Self-Adjusting Brakes, Anti-Freeze, Heater and Defroster, 36,000 Mile Sealed Chassis Lubrication. Factory List Price 1963 Mercury Close-Out 268.00 1963 Mercury Close-Out Sale Price 2170.00 899 W. Hunter St.

Logan, Ohio OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. Another Truckload Just Arrived PEAKS VPEACHES (PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINER) Always A Very Good Variety Of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Woodson's Produce Route 33 Outside Logan Gates Open Evenings Phone EV 5-5456.

The Logan Daily News from Logan, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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