The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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RATIONING TIMETABLE Hera lb i-ant i sums -S5 Book 4 through Juno 2 Alrplono ilimpa 1 2 3 Book 3 Indefinitely Ft El Old 4 and Si new 1 tbrouch GAS A-ll throurh March 21 (Ration Board 35 2nd Thursday March 8 1945 Section FOR NEW PUPILS No -Fra I Pledge Given OK Florida's Most Complete Commission Deadlocks On 5-Cent Bms Fare Assignment ASSUMES CHARGE OF Leach Takes By JEANNE BELLAMY' Herald Staff Writer Taking charge of the Everglades National Park commission is a fact-finding assignment to Gllhert Leach publisher of The Commercial weekly newspaper at Leesburg The assign-ment came from Gov Millard Caldwell He appointed Leach on March 1 as managing director of the state agency remarking that Army Officials Studying Development Plans Of Rehabilitation Center For Returnees Newspaper AND RECORDS Park the Everglades National Park This voluntary group headed by Ernest Coe has been active in advocating early establishment of the proposed 1200-000-acre national park Leach said association the most to do with bringing the park up to nvhere it is now and from what I can gather up to now say it has been a wonderful Reach said he planned to remain in Miami until he had finished the assignment leaving employes and running his newspaper have to run home once in awhile to keep my ducks in a he remarked This is not the first assign General Cites Modern City Fine Climate Unit Would House War-Worn Airmen By JACK THAIE llrrald Staff Wrltrr Maj Gen Ralph Roy re disclosed here Wednesday that several plans are under study for further developing Greater Miami as a rest and rehabilitation center for wounded and battle-weary airmen The new commanding general of the AAF Personnel Distribution Coixpiand flew in from his Atlantic City headquarters to inspprt hospitals and redistribution station units under his command here know what direction the future development of the eoniniand in the Miami area will he said shortly after alighting from his big C-51 transport the Little Egypt II at Miami Army airfield it decrease Gen Rovce was met at the airport by Col Luther Hill commanding officer of the Miami district PDC and Redistribution Station No 2 at Miami Beach Col Henry Chenault commanding the Biltmore and five Beach hospital units and Col Richard El-vins commanding officer of an AAF convalescent hospital in St Petersburg REUNION UNEXPECTED He also had an unexpected- reunion with Corp Gerald Coco his old driver in Townville Australia in 1912 when Gen Rover was rhief of staff to Rt Gen George if Brett commander of the Allied air forces in the Southwest Pacific Corp Ceee ho reported to the Miami Redistribution station recently after three years in Australia will he assigned to his ohl post as dritor for the general at Atlantic City officers said Since assuming command of the TDC 10 days ago Rovce has flown eoast-to-coast on what he described as tour to educate lie returned only recently from overseas where he was in command of the First Tactical Air force splendid-Florida climate plus the modernity and excellence of the facilities available In the Miami district were among the reasons that one of the largest of the facilities of this command have been located in this amainglv attractive section of our Gen Boyce commented No stranger to south Florida the general recalled Wednesday that he commanded the Army air forces training field at Arcadia from 1920 to 1922 flying over the Everglades was an Gen Rovce was accompanied here by Col Hall PDC sur-goon Lt Col Russell Putman of the PDC staff and Capt Wen dell Buc-khiester his aide and pilot who flew with him in France By JACK ANDERSON' Herald Staff Writer Dade County School board aimed a final blow at high school fraternities and sororities Wednesday by voting to require new junior and senior high school students to sign pledges they will not join such groups Supt James Wilson who recommen the action said the pledge would be a prerequisite to enrollment for all children entering the ninth to the ipsj tSsl out of town school from 12th grades No student presently enrolled In the school system will be required to sign pledges he said The program will be inaugurated when schools open in the fall Only dissenting vote on the resolution came from Terry board member who criticized it as liars out of our parents and PLEDGE INDORSED we do something said McDonald another member kids are go- ing to assume that planning to 1 snore the Wilson told the board the pledge plan had the indorsem*nt of all high school principals with whom he recently discussed the situation He displayed copies of the pledge which is to be printed on small cards One side will bear the wording declare upon my honor that I do not belong to nor do I intend to join or in any way become affiliated with a fraternity sorority or objectionable outside club as defined in the resolution of the Board of Public Instruction and in Senate Bill No 7" The reverse side will carry a certification by parents or guardians that they have read and understand the state law outlawing fraternities and sororities TO REAPPRAISE LAND The school superintendent said the program was drawn up after an intense study of similar programs carried out in 24 school districts of the nation to eliminate fraternities and sororities The text is a revised version of one used in Des Moines la schools The board aKo voted for a reappraisal of a three-acre tract of land adjoining the Mornlngskle school C(iOO Fifth ave sought as a playground The property owners Monroe and Leroy Edwards appeared before board members to protest a Tecent appraisal which have forced them to part with the land under condemnation proceedings threat for $17875 They contend it is worth $30000 Benefit Pay Hike Studied Proposals for broader compensation payments to workmen were discussed by members of the Florida Industrial Commission here Wednesday with representatives of employers and labor The all-day session in the National Cash Register Co auditorium was one of three being held by the commission throughout the state A hearing was held Monday in Jacksonville and another is elated Friday in Tampa The state officials will meet in Tallahassee later to review their findings and decide what changes If any the legislature will be asked to make this spring in the present compensation laws Much oj the discussion centered around the recent proposal of the social seenrity board that payments made to workers who become unemployed be hiked and extended over a longer period than at present and that coverage be extended to take in eni-plojers of fewer than eight persons Also brought up were proposals to make adjustments in the present workmen's compensation covering on-the-job injuries State Rep Peters and Rep Richard Oelkers sat in on the sessions For the Industrial Com mission there were Members Carl Smith Tampa Foley of Foley and Daniel Millan Jacksonville and Charles Mann director cf the unemployment compensation division and Bumis Coleman chief counsel of the unemployment compensation division have gone so that it took mules to get us out and once On another occasion Reach recalled he was in a party which made a motor trip inland from Naples Fla the direction of what is now the Tamiami had three women in the party All of us except the women carried those Fords over places they They discovered in the midst of trackless wilderness most majestic stand of royal palms towering so high above the forest that we counted 15 from that sand Existence of the Everglades National Park commission is governed bv several laws Reach explained with the latest calling for 12 to 30 members of the commission -Demid matt Photo MAI GEV RALPH ROH Miami Driver Will Appeal Conviction One motorist was sentenced to three years for the hit-and-run death of an 8-year-old girl and trial of Mrs Jeanette Nougaret Gavagnl 19-year-old war bride for the traffic deaths of two pedes trians got under way Wednesday in Criminal court If Maddox 43-year-old railroad employe of 231 57th st was found guilty of man-slaughter by Judge Ben Millard and sentenced to three years in the state prison His counsel indicated an immediate appeal will be taken Bond was set at $1500 pending that action Maddox was accused of having run down and fatally injured Rae Shrader daughter of Mr and Mrs John Shrader 414 59th st at Sixth ave and 58th st last August He failed to stop and was arrested in his home nearby an hour later Police said he was under the influence of liquor when they questioned him at that time Mrs Gavagni Ls now an expectant mother it was revealed at the opening of her trial on charges of manslaughter Her husband Marine wounded by a Jap sniper returned home last fall A ear driven by the young wora an allegedly struck and instantly killed Michael O'Keefe 70 and Miss Katherine Somers 40 PAA employe of 4371 Sixth st at Eighth st and 44th ave on Sept 19 Sailor Denies Altaek A plea of not guilty was entered Wednesday in Criminal court by Frenchy Ligette 28-year-old sailor when he was arraigned on charges of assault with intent to rape a 21-year-old Fort Lauderdale woman His trial was tentatively set for this morning by Judge Ben Willard FAKES HYSTERICAL AS FOODS Bonk 4 Blue X-75 At throurh Morrh 31 1 throurh Anrll 2X throurh Juno 2t Nt-xj throurh June 30 Red throurh Mrrrh 31 1 1 1-X5 throurh April 2X 5 5 75 A2-D2 throurh June 2i L2-J2 throurh June 30 Hours 10 a m-Z m) Thomson And Hosca Block Move Absence of Dunn Brings Tie Vote By ERNIE HILL Herald Staff Writer City commissioners deadlocked 2-to-2 Wednesday over a move to force the Miami Transit Co to reduce fares to a straight 5-cent basis Commissioners Gardner and Reeder voted to require the bus company to appear April for a rate hearing but Mayor Leonard Thomson and Fred Hosea blocked the move Gardner who presented the rate hearing resolution said he would make another effort to win its approval when the fifth member of the commission James A Dunn recovers form an illness think the bus company could make a profit on a straight 5-cent said Gardner are crowding two or three times as many people into the busses as they did before the you get this rate chided Reeder have anything to talk about during the (Gardner Reeder and Dunn must run for re-election in May if they wish to hold their positions) CONSULAR OFFICE APPROVED After the meeting Gardner said that Thomson and Hosea "didn't scare Into voting for the resolution because they don't have to run until Hosea said he would vote for the resolution If he thought that a reduction could be made He said that a hearing last year ended with rates unchanged The city however raised the rate of gross revenue tax charged the company In other actions the commission: Approved locations on the bend in the county causeway for the government of Colombia to build a consular office and for the Immigration and Naturalization Service to construct an office Referred to City Mmagcr A Curry a proposnl'by Gardner that city iittorneyn be consulted to determine whether Port Authority Member James Hoffman violated the municipal charter In holding a sub-contract on dock work PURCHASE ADOPTED Adopted on second reading and final passage a resolution authorizing Curry to purchase the 1675-aere Graves tract for $495000 for airport or municipal purposes the money to be spent from the Virginia key fund Adopted an ordinance creating a department of public libraries under the city manager so that library employes may share in pension insurance and civil service provisions Referred to the city attorney a proposal by A Cleary that gypsy fortune tellers be barred from operations in Miami after Cleary read three affidavits concerning methods used by fortune tellers to get money Referred to Curry a resolution of the Greater Miami Apartment House association directed to commissioners asking them to efforts to prevent the Navy from taking over housing facilities Curry was requested to study the resolution and report in writing Auto Kills 7-Year-Old Seven-year-old Josef Henry Ros-man son of Mr and Mrs Rosman 1120 Pennsylvania ave Miami Beach died Wednesday shortly after he had been struck by an automobile at Pennsylvania ave and 11th st Officers said William Silber man Navy enlisted man on pass who was driving the car stopped rushed young Rosman to a Navy dispensary and then phoned police Silberman was released in custody of the shore patrol Witnesses said the child darted across the street into the path of the automobile which they said was proceeding at a normal speed Services in charge of Gordon Funeral home will be held at 2 today with burial In Mt Nebo cemetery POLICEMAN PULLS GUN the wrong street and spying the soldier at the wheel motioned him over to the curb The returnee hlandly continued to grind down the avenue in low gear When Hallman pulled his gun hoping to frighten the driver into stopping bus passengers sat up and took notice One of them rushed to the wheel and turned off the switch Hallman entered bus to find women passengers in hysterics and babifes screaming Nobody was hurt and the driver was turned over to military police The motorcycle officer delivered the bus to police headquarters just a moment after Miami Beach Railway Co officials had reported the disappearance Wallace bus company superintendent of transportation reported $130 in dimes in the meter and 30 cents in other change carefully deposited on the dashboard The bus was put back in operation The volunteer driver was not ROOKS Over Glades the commissions of all the board members had expired and no new appointments had been made instructions were to take charge of all books and records in the headquarters 604 Eiscayne bldg and report to Caldwell as soon as possible what the records show what the commission has accomplished and what are its aims and objections The Leesburg publisher already has checked the office records Leach said his next step would be to get information from outside sources to finish dovetailing in the history of -0 JOHNNY' JOHNSON Commission Post Sought By Johnson Johnny Johnson dental technician filed for city commissioner Wednesday to become the seventh candidate to enter field in the May 1 primary Five others have announced Johnson who announced his candidacy nine months ago and put up the first campaign signs said he would run on four principal campaign proposals propose to improve bus service and reduce fares to 5 said Johnson for sending City Manager A Curry back to Coral Gables for improving Jack-son Memorial hospital and encouraging small industry to locate in Johnson said he planned to propose the encouragement of small industry to provide work for returned veterans Adler Trial Set March 20 Postponed three times in more than a year the trial of Charles Adler 23-year-old son of a Polk county commissioner on eight charges of breaking and entering was set Wednesday for March 20 by Judge Ben Willard in Criminal court Selection of the trial date fol lowed a dispute between Prosecutor Glenn Mincer and Dep uty A Buford who developed the cases against the young sus pect Mincer suggested that Adler bo allowed to plead to charges of receiving stolen property which brought this retort from Buford: not whitewash this case This boy is no belter than the other two Buford charged Adler was implicated with George Puckett and Walter Adams in a series of house burglaries here in February 1944 Puckett since has been sentenced to life in Duval county and Adams to 15 years also in Duval county for similar crimes there Judge Willard directed the two prisoners now in road camps be brought here for trial THOMAS HAMILTON CHARLES Miamians Back Kaly Rail Move Control Sought By Group Here A stockholders protective committee headed by Marvin Adams Charles A Morehead and Walter Pierce of Miami Is seeking to gain control of the Missouri-Kansas-Texas railroad and has obtained the support of Claughton Miami financier largest Individual stockholder The committee which also Includes A Statler of Buffalo and Miami Robert Sanders of Jackson Miss and Louis O'D Lee New investment banker represents some 40 per cent of the railroad's common stock inclnding Claughton's holdings At the same time the management is conducting an intensive campaign to gather stock voting proxies to block the committee's effort and is centering a personal attack on Claughton who is not a member of the committee Mathew Sloan president of the Katy railroad and board chairman is reported to be leading the opposition against the Miami group Claughton said he had written to Sloan requesting suggestions as to placing the road on a paying basis PARDONED BY' TALMADGE Sloan is reported to have retaliated by making a personal appeal in 9000 proxy letters to stockholders to oppose the efforts of the committee and Claughton on the grounds that the latter had served a short prison sentence Claughton who holds 167000 shares of the common stock and 300 of the preferred admits having served a term in a Georgia state prison for violation of the Georgia securities law feel that I was nothing more than the victim of he explained was convicted and sentenced in connection with the failure of an industrial bank in Atlanta in 1933 at a time when everything io the country was going broke and feeling against bankers was bitter was pardoned by Gov Eugene necessarily interested in a complete reorganization if we can get the road on a sound basis without he added continuing: Claughton said that he held 12850 shares of preferred stock and about 16000 shares of common stock when he attended last meeting tried then to have directors elected annually instead of having one-third of the board elected each he said then I have disposed of all of my preferred stock and all of my adjustment bonds I used the proceeds from the preferred stock to buy common stock did this because I want to be accused of having ulterior motives in my efforts toward a refinancing program which will give preferred stockholders their dividends I nor any member of my family hold one share of preferred stock or one of the adjustment bonds I have no axe to Adams explained that the committee and Claughton will seek at the next stockholders meeting scheduled to be held April 6 a reduction of the number of directors from 15 to 9 and elimination of the present executive committee Adams said that the committee will attempt to elect to the board of directors several large stockholders want to improve the position of both the preferred and the common stockholders by refinancing certain obligations of the Adams explained lie said that there had been no dividends paid on common stock since 1930 Island Wants Freedom Puerto Rican Asserts William Cordova Puerto Rican senator said here Wednesday that 90 per cent of the people of Puerto Rico are in favor of independence for the island Cordova arrived in Miami aboard a Pan American Airways Clipper and is en route to Washington to attend hearings on the- Tydings in dependence bill tioning division of the district office Miss Scanlan created a mild sensation when one of her to Washington on the Miami situation was published without OTA consent Following the publication members of the Dade county war price and rationing board togk exceptions to certain references she made of their activities and protested so vigorously that Alexander Harris regional administrator came to Miami Two weeks later on Feb 16 Dr Thomas who had been named director of the newly created dis-trict read a memorandum to the board members in which Harris stated Miss Scanlan would "complete her assignment here and would be transferred to Washington Harris also stated that civil service had been requested to supply the district director with a list of qualified persons from which Dr Thomas may select a new information executive ment Leach has performed for Caldwell He was in charge of publicity at campaign headquarters in Tallahassee during the election campaign last year Leach believes he knows as much about the Everglades as anyone in Miami He told of making a yacht trip 35 years ago through the Thousand Island region with trips by dory up the Allen river and Shark river Rater lie visited the Micro-sukee Scminoles with Stanley Hanson knows all of them by their first names 1920 and 1921 I did a lot of exploring in the Everglades by boat and airplane taking pictures of sawgrass areas We went by car where we should not SN i UOli LITHKIt HILL Allin Joins Washington Engineex Firm Col All in ho has resigned as Tort Authority director effective March 31 will become a vice-president of the firm of Airways Engineering Consultants Inc with headquarters in Washington Officials of the company announced Wednesday that Allin will join the firm as soon as he terminates his service in Miami Allin officials announced will go to California for a time to direct the Pacific Coast operations The firm is engaged in airport planning All in resigned from the Miami job Monday charging that the Port Authority had become a debating A special meeting of the Tort Authority is scheduled for 2 in Friday Army engineers will meet with the members to advise them concerning proposed development of the Vir-ginia Key airport-seaport project City Mandger-Fort Chairman A Curry has announced he will ask the authority to disapprove Allin's proposal to run a railway to the seaport and to locate oil tanks and warehouses north of Virginia key Grand Jury Opens Gambling Probe That tlie current grand jury intends to follow the course laid down by its predecessor and pursue an investigation into law enforcement and gambling w-as indicated by preliminary groundwork laid Wednesday First witne-sses appearing before the jury included Criminal Court Judge Ben Willard Dan Rosenfelder Miami safety director and rolicc Chiefs Albert Simpson of Miami Beach and Albert Rc-Moine of Hialeah They were understood to have appeared voluntarily and were followed by Charles Friedman and others of the gambling fraternity who were under subpoena The grand jurors will reconvene next Tuesday morning to hear further witnesses Arthur lies Roclier Files Divorce Suit Ilis wife refused to move from Miami and live in Jacksonville although she referred to her Miami homes as Melville Arthur DesRocher member of a widely-known Miami family charged in a divorce suit filed Wednesday against Ruth Marie DesRocher 14 47 27th st in circuit court They were married in Miami May 19 1939 Visitor KoMhmI mid Hoalen Treated at Jackson Memorial hospital for broken ribs Sam Fields 41 merchant mariner from New York City told police he had been beaten and robbed of $2000 by two negroes early Wednesday morning at Sixth st and the FEC tracks Missed the Boat Pears Canning preserving table use Cheap Klefeker Produce Ph Adv Clerk Held In Shortage Of $20000 Embezzlement and Forgery Charged Fox Hunt Bird 37 7529 Biscayne Blvd was arrested Wednesday on forgery and embezzlement charges following an investigation of a $20000 shortage in the accounts of a Miami stock brokerage firm He was released under bond after being booked at county jail on three informations filed by County Solicitor Robert Taylor The forgery information charges that Bird on Jan 29 1945 signed the name of Hunt 8233 Collins ave Miami Beach to a check for $1208540 on the American Bank and Trust Co in favor of Frank Newman 424 Ingraham Bldg CUSTOM RRS PROTECTED Two embezzlement informations of two counts each charge that he appropriated to his own uses $1173530 as agent for Newman Thomas Anderson and Watson and $3450 as agent for Maude Griswold 325 First pi and both amounts as agent for Daniel Rice and Co where he w'as employed as clerical assistant to the manager Vincent Giblin and Colson jr attorneys for the Rice company issued a statement in which they said customers' losses are covered by a $100000 bond They said the company initiated the investigation when patrons reported irregularities in their accounts State Labor Meet Delayed Scheduled for Miami this week but postponed because of federal restrictions on conventions the Florida Federation of annual gathering will be held the earliest possible President Hill said Wednesday In Jacksonville Hill said the war committee on conventions us hopes that with4he collapse qf Germany it would give imemdiate national relief on the ban on such meetings The executive board authorized a legislative conference to be held March 19 in Jacksonville to co-ordinate a program for presentation to the state legislature in April I Attending Hill said will be two delegates from each central labor union in Florida one delegate from each craft organization and one delegate from affiliated local un ions located beyond the jurisdic tion of a central labor union or with out craft representation Among subjects slated for discussion he added is the amendment to the compensation act and an amendment liberalizing the unemployment compensation law Beach Rezoning Hearing Slaled Public hearing on the proposal to change zoning classification of public parks and buildings at Miami Beach will be held at 10 a today at the Beach city hall Under terms of the proposed change the most restricted zoning districts will be thrown wide open to municipal buildings and parks At meeting coun cilmen voted to refund $750 to each of the seven supper clubs which had paid $1500 each for licenses permitting them to stay open after midnight $12000 Awarded Pair In Condemnation Suit A circuit court jury Wednesday awarded $12000 to Frank Cow ard and George A Luers for an addition to the Coconut Grove bay-front park in a city of Miami con demnation suit The tract was re portcdly purchased by Coward year ago for $7000 for a sailboat anchorage appraisals ranged from $11000 to $20625 Luers who held the mortgage was awarded $333175 and Coward 866825 Corliss and her boyfriend Dexter romp through an amusing escapade on the Archer program tonlte at 9:30 ALICE SCANLAX IS Secret OP A Report's Author Apparently Off Local Staff Vet Takes Bus As Driver Eats Route Error Trips Him i 'i Herald Staff Photo A THOMAS It HOUSER By ARTHUR PEAVY Herald Staff Writer Miss Alice Tierney connection with the Miami OPA office as Information executive apparently was severed Wednesday The vivacious brunette who was to the Miami office by the regional office in Atlanta was reported to be taking her telephone calls at her apartment at Belle Isle Court Miami Beach where she and her secretary Miss Buff Acker have resided since they came to Miami last October Dr James Thomas OPA district director for South Florida said he had no comment to make when asked if Miss Scan-lan had severed her connections with the Miami office prior to departing for Washington national headquarters Significant was the fact that her suite of two offices on the third floor of the Seybold building had been taken over by officials of the newly created ra After three years overseas a former bus driver now a patient at a Miami Reach Army hospital couldn't resist the temptation Wednesday when he saw an empty driverless bus parked at 29th st and Collins ave While the driver was snatching a sandwich in a corner drugstore at the end of his run the GI clambered into the vehicle and started south on Collins ave pausing courteously to pick up passengers waiting at the bus stops None of the 15 passengers noticed anything peculiar about their driver although they were a bit surprised when he waved passengers who did not have the proper change to their seats inviting them to a At Lincoln rd and Collins ave the soldier made his only mistake Unfamiliar with the bus route he headed south on Collins instead of turning north to Washington Motorcycle Officer Henry Hallman noticed the bus rolling down Charles A Thomas Elected Insurance Board President Houser secretary-treasurer New executive committee members are Leo Ackerman Raymond Butler John Mumford and Roy Welton The committee also includes Flamen Adae and Herman Arrant elected for two years in 1944 Charles A Thpmas Coconut Grove insurance agent Wednesday at El Comodoro hotel was elected president of the Greater Miami Insurance Board succeeding James Mixson Other new officers include George Caster and Thomas Hamilton vice-presidents and.

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.