The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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Cleveland, Ohio

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56 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER RIDAY OCTOBER 29 1954 New York A Survey of Critics They Don't Applaud Seven Silent Men BY RANK NEW YORK Drama critics' be from sit ting on them so much just con ducted a survey asking the seven men who (more or less) control the destiny of the legitimate stage whether they ap olaud on open ing nights Only five of the aisle sitters for the seven big New York daily news papers replied to my questions (a pretty good percentage of re turns for a poll) but their an swers were so positively nega tive that I have to assume the other two would have said no too Walter Kerr of the Herald Tribune referred to 1he habit of keeping his emotions to himself as dead pan tradition which is probably sensible" Mr Kerr added "You get so used to it (not applauding when working) that when I went to England this summer and WASN'T working my wife had to beat my elbow to start up any The Trib's critic Incidentally Is at home on both sides of the footlights He staged the cur rent hit "King of which his wife Jean coauthored and both are now working on the book and lyrics for a mu sical called Even Worst I'lays "erociously Brooks Atkinson probably would still be the most influen tial of the critics even if he a great writer Atkinson added an interesting angle to the applause question He said he think that applause at first nights means anything and that "even the worst plays are ferociously ap Richard Watts jr of the Post supplied a touch of humor in his reply citing a subconscious effort to maintain A judicial pose "I imagine Chief Justice Warren clapping his hands over a point scored by one of the attorneys appearing before the Supreme Court or Justice rankfurter crying out he said "So much of the first night applause is Watts commented pleased by any opportunity offered to dissociate myself from the activities of the people who are responsible for the John Chapman of the Daily News said he sits a stone man" John McClain of the Joumal American explained that if crit ics applauded heartily at certain things they liked and then went on to "pan the pants off the as a whole the producer would be justified in saying: 'You big bums you know you liked it I saw you applaud seven The consensus was that a critic should do his applauding in print And sometimes that printed applause sounds like thunder in an echo chamber When opened last week lead read: know what all the fuss is about I always knew Mary Martin could fly She's always bounced along as though the earth were made of inner spring matresses and that piping rollicking voice of hers would carry anyone aloft wires or no wires any old time" Atkinson also ecstatic called 1he show "'Peter tvith a Texas accent" Chapman was more reserved He just thought it was great The other four reviews were raves too But at the opening itself if she could have seen through the glare of lhe footlights she would have viewed seven silent i 1 1 i on their hands ringers must zJUT vrS gio RANK sir I Sr "9 1 mL Kaa Wwi JR? TEACHERS UNPACK OR CONVENTION of the North Eastern Ohio Teachers Association In this picture at Hotel Manger are (left to right) Olive Hemming Elyria Sue Hurd Elyria Pat Woods Elyri3and Iris Zmeskal Cleveland js RSH AvWB H'mh MMHk JMMH 4 I DEDICATION With unveiling of a portrait of the late William Reed first board chairman of the Cleve land Transit System the garage and maintenance shops of at 3420 93d Street were named Reed Station and Shops Drawing the curtain is William Keough the vice chairman A A 1 i i IS i Bl i i lilrVy i 1 irnwunr SOLITARY It is time for Stanley Gorcryca 3942 22d Street to play solifaire with Jury Bailiff Simon Steenstra as his only kibitzer Gorczyca is No 75 on the original list of veniremen left all alone in the once crowdedury room yesterday while 74 Elizabeth Karnosh waited outside the courtroom for her turn to be ques tioned Photo was taken by Norbert Yassanye jjHky V' f'WS i 1 a IB Ml WaM ri Howard Barrish Edmond Verlinger Mrs Elizabeth Borke 7m Ta VP 3 111 4JI Wz wJfl HwiL tjhai 4 nS Ca ill st 5 yH I I oSrylLra IL jll SI a rank Moravec rank Kpllarits' Mrs Luella Williams MMMI 150 hk'SS sf 1 Safi Hv Jk! dAW ERp igy it Mrs Anne oote James Bird Mrs Beatrice Orenstein Mrs Louise euchter William Lamb James Manning OICIAL JURORS These men and women are swor in as official jurors in the trial of Dr Samuel Sheppard Two alternates remain to be chosen liwW" 5 Jw i I ac 'id 1 A i 5Rr hi ZWZ 4 I 13 (5 A' fc a si 45 4 1 jr 7 Wrf Z'7h: WaSr m1 MsmsIM CAMPAIGN to provide three new buildings for John Carroll University was announced yesterday at a press conference at the Union Club Left to right Rev Edward Mc Cue dean of the university Kennedy vice president in charge of develop ment Kenyon Bolton campaign chairman and Wright Bryan Plain Dealer editor STERLING LINDER DAVIS' president Perkins McGuire presented watches yesterday to three 25 year employees (left to right) Miss Betty Wade Miss Mary laherty and Miss Jennie McKnight Not pictured are two other new Quarter Century Club members Miss Gertrude Van Wagner and Tom Barlow Reports 'Shot' for Economy Tax Cuts avored Public Works Eyed BY ROBERT ALLEN WASHINGTON Oct 28 President legisla tive program for the next Con gress will project a wide rang of "shots in the arm" for the nation's economy That is the side word which 1 Secret a i yjP6' clair Weeks gave jjg the business ad visory council of the Commerce Department an unnublicized MsaaE week end confer ence Around 100 industrial and fi KfJmbwBW nancial leaders from all parts of robert allk the country attended this Hot Springs Va meeting The principal measures out lined by Weeks are: Detailed studies are being made of the effect of the expiration next April 1 of two major tax boosts Scheduled to lapse then is the 52 corpora tion tax rate which reverts to 47 and the excise taxes on autos gas liquor and tobacco which are slated to return to lower pre Korean levdls ranging from five to 10 less These tax reductions would be powerful business stimulants and there is much support for them in inner White House councils Definitely atrreed on is the need for certain technical changes in the tax law to aid business PUBLIC WORKS A long term $2000000000 a year highway program on a federal state matching basis Also large scale federal aid for schools hospitals and airports' Government Business Partnership to Grow NATURAL RESOURCES A new' water resources policy en compassing major changes in the existing law Basis of this policy wii be the govern ment and business partnership concept advocated by the admin istration for power and recla mation projects LABOR Extensive revision of the Taft Hartley Act and increasing un employment benefits boost in the minimum wage rate A revised and en larged version of 1hc health re insurance plan that Cengrr refused to pass last summer INANCE The Treasury will continue fhe policy under which government interest rates have been held down while at the same time there has bean ample money available for business loans MILITARY A new reserve program is being completed which will strengthen the defenses yet permit a reduction in the over all strength of the armed services OREIGN TRADE The president will seek a three year extension of the reciprocal trade wiih authority to slash tai iff up to 5 a year fo? a total if over this period en Peace Jobless Secretary Weeks told the busi ness leaders the administration is formulating its 1955 legisla tive program on two' underlying beliefs: That the Reds will not attempt new aggression? next year and there will be little or no fighting throughout the world and that unemployment will around 2500 UOO "We have every Weeks said the present high business level will continue throughout next year with only minor changes But should a major contingency arise Presi dent Eisenhower is all ready and set to act quickly and deci (Copyright 1954 Pnst Hall Syndicate Incl PROTECTS DANCERS LONDON Oct A British firm has produced a new women's shoe with a steel cap for use when dancing with heavy footed partners A4Y ANSWER Our minister has candidate for governor tonight I indictment against Hat 1 not decided on what action if i it i ut riman later was dismissed i nv he take in the matter called his Republican opposition 1 11 UR manti I campaign mana of eligibility ucorc nf trio Navi anrt tn a AUTO UMES SICKEN 6 In by Anuefs "I work rest on "I have need to Harriman's speech lo about 3000 at a Queens rally took up the Republican charges one after another The speech was broadcast on TV and radio John McGrath an 'Thnv arn nnw trvincr In blame Harriman for the Hoover depression It is true that Re publican mismanagement under Hoover in 1933 caused many title and mortgage companies to be unable to meet their obliga tions The voting public ren dered its verdict as to who was responsible for that depression more than two decades ago" Row Over 1 95? Vote There was a continuing hub bub over a previous charge that Harriman had voted in a 1952 presidential preference primary in Washington and thus inter rupted his New York residence and disqualified himself to run for governor The state constitution requires five years of continuous resi dence prior to election Harriman said con tention that he lad sworn an Vlctbns Taken to Hoslptal Berea Muffler Blamed Six persons wore overcome carbon monoxide fumes yester day while driving from Car 1 i michael Pa to Berea I In fair condition at Berea Community Hospital is Mrs) Marilyn Bihun 21 of 132 Eliot I Circle Berea Tieated and re leased were her children Diane i 5 Terry 5 and Charles 1 and her brothers James 29 and' David Roberts 19 They began to feel ill as they approached Berea they said Po lice said their automobile had a defective muffler users oi tne ixazi anti (Yimmii i mst of the big I SWPred speech was a full dress answer to a series of charges made against him by his Republican opponent Senator Irving Ives and by retiring Gov Thomas Dewey "These unscrupulous Harriman said repeat the same lie over again in many variations despite denials and corrections" recognize the he added "I have seen it be fore not so much in the United States as in Germany and Soviet Russia It is the technique of the Bring Up 1931 Charge At the same time Ives de livered a fifth charge that Har riman in 1931 was arrested as a director of a corporation that Harriman Blasts 'Technique of Big Lie' Used by oath that he was a legal resi dent of Washington a lie as well as a legal absurd ity as Lawyer Dewey should well State Attorney General Na asked me to teach a Sunday thanipl Goldstein a Renuhliran srhnnl rlass but have three NEW YORK Oct 2R small investors of I has been studying the situa )smaii children vou think Avcrell Harriman Democratic 10 million dollars He added an assistant said but has i famii shnnlri come lAiitrtrl av 1 4 I i ANSWER Perhaps several i have been asked to teach that class they all with one consent began to make (Luke 11:18) One said all week and need to Another said an aged mother and bring her just in time for the morning service" A third said "I don have time to prepare the Each one has found an ClEltJrS ElNEA rImp ES5 Zr 5 adaan sMrT sfe Saslrld AllTl IN Gil AM A I 1 LJO Rl 0 L) TiT EHDE vIo't EE AplBMi AW AfeslL sjffi uls sIeiaImoIe' YHBn By Billy Graham TODAY'S CROSSWORD amous Evangelist PUZZLE tea form 11 Roman coins 15 Cover with tin layer 16 Delays 18 Tirolean river 20 Optical illusion 21 Attributes 24 Satiates 25 Soggy excuse and you are using your children for yours Jesus spoke harshly of those i who used their families as an ex 1 cuse for not following him He I said they were not fit to be His Horizontal 1 Religious pamphlet 6 Room in a harem I 9 Oriental Earth disciples boring tool If the Kingdom is to come 113 Air: Comb there must be many who will surrender their lives to Christ Some must preach Some must minister to the sick Some must witness Some must teach If you feel you are called to teach do not hesitate Bring your children with you Leave the youngest in the nursery or (with their daddy Has it ever occurred to you that your chil dren may become selfish if they masses receive all of your attention? 1 26 Corolla leaf Put Christ first and your chil 1 28 Extinct bird dren will learn to love Him too 1 29 Russian Now get down on your knees I revolutionary and ask God if He wants you to: 30 oot like teach that class If he says "Yes" go to it As you serve Him your life will be richly blessed New peace will come into your heart light will stream into your home blessmg not only you but all your family Cermrhi ism cweuo ibune News Syndicate Inc organ 33 Claw 34 Gasp 35 One with low mental capacity 38 Recommits to bustody 40 Prepares for action 42 ather 43 Six line stanzas 45 Small valleys 48 Held session 49 Decay 50 eminine name 51 Abstract being 52 Negative vote 53 Type of auto Vertical IMake lace bdging 2 Bitter draft 3 Roman statesman 4 Official numbering 5 Negotiate 6 Paddle i 7 Adjudge 8 Trained workman 9 Weight for gems 10 ence tf shrubs 11 Donkeys 12 5 4 5' 7 10 iizzzufczzjfczz 15 17 11 22 25 26 ZZp a 77 50 51 32 35 57 ZZ 38 39 40 4i 4 3 4 4fe Lldj irnTT 17 Russian inland sea 19 Thrust back 21 Doctrine 22 Low 23 Spanish gentleman 27 Prongs I wrong I 14 I into 35 Billiards stroke 36 City in New York 37 Takes ease 39 Legendary 29 Lighthouse i chamber 30 Divided panels 31 inale 32 Streets (abbr) 33 Legal i king 41 Portico 44 Pigpen 46 Note in scale 47 River tn Poland 1.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.