Velvety Chai - Briana Thomas (2024)

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Velvety Chai - Briana Thomas (1)

I changed the name from “Bulletproof Chai” to “Velvety Chai” 12.6.16 because I thought it would be safer not to use a copyrighted name. This is the same recipe!

Bulletproof coffee is all the rage right now, but what if you’re not into coffee? Like me. I abhor coffee. Good news, fellow-non-coffee-addicts drinkers, there is a bulletproof-style drink for you, too! To be honest, I didn’t really expect this to work. I’d never tried the bulletproof thing before, but the thought intrigued me (and I knew I could make it a Deep S for Trim Healthy Mamas, and we all know we need more of those recipes in this world). I thought chai might be a good backdrop for the whole creamy/buttery/frothy thing that supposedly happens when you add butter and coconut oil to a hot drink and blend it. I was way more right than I thought I was going to be. I tasted the stuff and couldn’t believe how good it was. I’m officially a chai bulletproof addict drinker.

Click here for more non-coffee “Velvety” (Bulletproof-style) drinks!

Velvety Chai - Briana Thomas (2)

The great news is that this cozy drink is chock full of stuff that’s good for you! It’s sweetened with stevia (I recommend this brand for its superior flavor profile), so you get the sweetness without the unpleasant effects of sugar.This drinkcontains half a scoop of protein powder because I wanted to use it as a snack (the protein powder helps it froth up, too. You could probably use a whole scoop in this drink, but I didn’t want to be able to taste it so I went halves.). There are lots of healthy fats in this drink as well: butter (I’ve heard that grass-fed is the best, but I just used plain ol’ butter) and coconut oil (again, in the spirit of economy and using what I had on hand, I used our cheap refined coconut oil. I think MCT oil is what you’re technically supposed to use, and virgin coconut oil would probably be better than what I used as well, but we don’t have either of those. I don’t know how the others would affect the flavor, so if you try them, let me know how your drink turns out.).

This drink is a Deep S for Trim Healthy Mamas, meaning that it focuses on foundation fats – not the fats from cream, peanut butter, nuts, cheese, etc. that are often over-done. You can learn more about Deep S meals in the Fuel Cycle chapter from the book Trim Healthy Mama.

New to this whole “Trim Healthy Mama” thing? You can read my quick summary here. That page also includes a bunch of links to products I’ve found extremely helpful, so feel free to check it out for inspiration!

Velvety Chai - Briana Thomas (3)

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Velvety Chai - Briana Thomas (4)

Question of the day (comment below!): are you a coffee or a tea person?

You can find a cleaned-up version of this recipein my cookbook, Necessary Food.

4.6 from 5 reviews

Velvety Chai

Velvety Chai - Briana Thomas (6)


Briana Thomas

Serves: 1 serving


Low-carb, sugar-free, THM: Deep S, Gluten Free, Peanut Free - this can be used as breakfast or a snack, if you like. Bulletproof-style


  • 1 cup water
  • ½ cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 bag Vanilla Chai tea (I used Bigelow brand. Feel free to substitute your favorite chai flavor.)
  • ½ scoop vanilla whey protein powder (this drink is also egg free if you use a compatible protein powder)
  • ½ T butter
  • Rounded ½ T refined coconut oil
  • Pinch salt
  • 2 doonks THM Pure Stevia Extract Powder (a doonk is 1/32 tsp. Feel free to use more if you like.)
  • Pinch each of cloves and cinnamon
  • Dash of vanilla extract


  1. Heat the water and almond milk and steep the tea bag in the liquid for 5 minutes. Squeeze out the tea bag to get all the flavor you can, and transfer the hot liquid to a blender (I used my Ninja single-serve cup). Add the other ingredients and blend until smooth and frothy. Always use caution when blending hot liquids.


I used what I had on hand to make this drink. Grass-fed butter would offer more health benefits than the regular butter I used. I've never used MCT oil or virgin coconut oil, but either could probably be substituted for the refined coconut oil I used (I cannot vouch for the amounts or flavors, though).
(I changed the name to "Velvety Chai" 12.6.16, but the recipe has not changed.)

Suggested products:

  • Ninja blender
  • Vanilla Chai Tea
  • Whey Protein Powder
  • THM Pure Stevia Extract Powder

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Velvety Chai - Briana Thomas (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.